JuliaData / IndexedTables.jl

Flexible tables with ordered indices
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Define empty or uninitialized columns in Julia IndexedTables ndsparse #289

Open dmikushin opened 2 years ago

dmikushin commented 2 years ago

Hello, I'm cross-posting this from SO, in hope to get an answer.

I'm defining NDSparse table, with two columns "state" and "action" that shall be filled later. How should I specify these columns upon initialization?

using Pkg
using IndexedTables

start_period = 1        # numer of first period to consider
num_agents = 100        # number of individuals to simulate

periods = [start_period, start_period + 3]

# https://github.com/JuliaData/IndexedTables.jl
df = ndsparse((Identifier = [1, num_agents], Period = periods), (state = [???], action = [???]))

Furthermore, while "action" is an integer, "state" is supposed to be an integer array of a variable length.