Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to make a custom parser in JuliaDB/TextParse and got stuck for several hours now.
My goal is to parse UUIDs into UInt128 (my data is quite big and this saves a lot of space).
Here is my approach
using TextParse: Nullable, CustomParser
using JuliaDB
using TextParse
using UUIDs
@inline function _tryparsenext_uuid_digit(str, i)
y = iterate(str,i)
y===nothing && (return (-3, i)) # end of string
c = y[1]; ii = y[2]
if '0' <= c <= '9'
return c-'0', ii
elseif 'a' <= c <= 'f'
return c-'W', ii
elseif c == '-'
return -1, ii # skip dashes
return -2, ii # invalid char
@inline function _tryparsenext_uuid(str, i)::Tuple{Nullable{UInt128}, Int64}
i0 = i
R = Nullable{UInt128}
y = _tryparsenext_uuid_digit(str, i)
if y[1] == -2
return R(), i0
r = UInt128(y[1])
i = y[2]
digits = 0
basenum = UInt128(16)
while true
y2 = _tryparsenext_uuid_digit(str, i)
d = y2[1]
d == -2 && (return R(), i0)
i = y2[2]
d == -1 && continue
digits += 1
d == -3 && return (digits == 32 ? (R(convert(UInt128, r)), i) : ((R(), i0)))
r = r*basenum + d
julia> _tryparsenext_uuid("wrong!", 1)
(Nullable{UInt128}(), 1)
julia> _tryparsenext_uuid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", 1)
(Nullable{UInt128}(0x00000000000000000000000000000001), 37)
nm1 = tempname()
open(nm1, "w") do io
write(io, "$(UUID(1))\tabc\nabc\t$(UUID(1))")
uuid_parser = CustomParser(UInt128) do str, i, len, opts
_tryparsenext_uuid(str, i)
colparsers = Dict(1=>uuid_parser))
# MethodError: no method matching TextParse.StrRange(::Int64, ::Int64)
# pointing at https://github.com/JuliaComputing/TextParse.jl/blob/master/src/csv.jl#L592
# I tried Changing the StrRange(1, 0) to StrRange(1, 0, 0), then the broadcasting didn't work
# so I changed that into a forloop and I got the StrRanges in the output table...
rm(nm1, recursive=true)
I'm on Julia 1.1, JuliaDB 0.12.0, TextParse 0.9.0.
I'd really appreciate some help with this. Let me know, if I should provide more information.
Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to make a custom parser in JuliaDB/TextParse and got stuck for several hours now. My goal is to parse UUIDs into UInt128 (my data is quite big and this saves a lot of space). Here is my approach
I'm on Julia 1.1, JuliaDB 0.12.0, TextParse 0.9.0.
I'd really appreciate some help with this. Let me know, if I should provide more information.