JuliaData / SplitApplyCombine.jl

Split-apply-combine strategies for Julia
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groupby taking a vector #20

Closed mkborregaard closed 4 years ago

mkborregaard commented 4 years ago

group only takes a function, like iseven. But in many cases (like DataFrames.groupby) you want to split on a vector of groups.

andyferris commented 4 years ago

Could you please post a fuller example of the kind of behaviour you would like to see, for me?

andyferris commented 4 years ago

So on master, you can now do this:

julia> group([true,true,true,false,false], [1,2,3,4,5])
2-element Dictionaries.HashDictionary{Bool,Array{Int64,1}}
 false │ [4, 5]
  true │ [1, 2, 3]

Is this what you expected? It's also super useful in the context of a dataframe, like group(df.col1, df.col2).

That returns a (EDIT) dictionary of vectors, not a dataframe, though I imagine we could make group(df.col1, df) split up the table nicely (it already almost works for TypedTables). Furthermore, as sneak preview, I'm thinking of a partition function as a flattened version of group that works well with tables/dataframes, getting closer to a SQL and DataFrames.jl "group by"). (I need to do slightly more work on DIctionaries.jl before circling around to tables again though...)

mkborregaard commented 4 years ago

Oh, sorry I didn't see the comment above! Yes, that is exactly what I expected 💖 especially if it also would work for vectors of Ints, or Strings or any CategoricalArray, in addition to Bools? Your example on DataFrames sounds exactly like DataFrames.groupby, right?

andyferris commented 4 years ago

Cool. Yes it works for all types.

group always returns a nested dictionary, whereas I thought groupby flattened out everything into a single table? Or am I mistaken?

mkborregaard commented 4 years ago

Ah, yes you are right.

andyferris commented 4 years ago

OK this seems resolved.

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JuliaRegistrator commented 4 years ago

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andyferris commented 4 years ago

Done :)