JuliaData / SplitApplyCombine.jl

Split-apply-combine strategies for Julia
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remove Callable constraint in mapview() #39

Closed aplavin closed 2 years ago

aplavin commented 2 years ago

There is no ambiguity in the first mapview() argument anyway. This makes it possible to use any callable (not covered by Base.Callable) as f in mapview - for example, @optic(...) from Accessors.jl.

andyferris commented 2 years ago

OK, interesting. Thanks @aplavin.

This is possibly fine here but elsewhere the API is a bit strange and you need to disambiguate which terms are collections and which are functions. I don't really like using Base.Callable in these cases but its a necessary evil and hard to work around given how similar we like to keep the API to Base, etc, although at some point we should just go ahead and make breaking changes and split functions up a bit.

(Another thing which would be nice with map etc is if they could be curried, but zero-collection map is defined in Base as a kind of 0-dimensional style of generalization, so I'd like to consider also how this fits together).

PS I have created an issue in Accessors.jl to see if the lenses etc could subtype Function.

aplavin commented 2 years ago

As I understand, the major ambiguity is in the group function - its first argument can either be a callable or an array. This PR is focused on mapview alone, so there shouldn't be any such issues.

Actually, I encountered this incompatibility (Accessors.jl lenses vs mapview) when trying to make mapview result support setindex!. It turned out to be surprisingly easy: the only thing needed in addition to relaxed type constraints (remove Base.Callable - this PR) is this method:

Base.setindex!(ma::SplitApplyCombine.MappedArray, value, ix) = ma.parent[ix] = Accessors.set(ma.parent[ix], ma.f, value)

Then assigning to mapview elements just works: image Of course, this method cannot really be put into either of these packages because they don't depend on each other, so currently I use it in a type-piratic way.