JuliaData / TypedTables.jl

Simple, fast, column-based storage for data analysis in Julia
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Would a `PrettyTables` for printing PR be welcomed? #81

Open Moelf opened 3 years ago

Moelf commented 3 years ago



Moelf commented 3 years ago

the main issue is type info such as Float32[ blah is too much. And that it's hard to customize just for my own TypaedTable.Table. Currently I have to do:

const _LazyTreeType = TypedTables.Table{<:NamedTuple, 1, NamedTuple{S, N}} where {S, N <: Tuple{Vararg{LazyBranch}}}

but it won't work if user materialized a table

andyferris commented 2 years ago

Is the suggestion here to switch the printing logic to use PrettyTables.jl? I guess it's possible, but we need to be careful about dictionary-based tables too. Or we can steal the type-header logic.