Open felixcremer opened 1 year ago
Something is really strange here, there seems to be a difference if you use capital or minor letters as well. This is as far as I got, but still resulting in a GDAL error:
using YAXArrays, ArchGDAL
const AG = ArchGDAL
a = YAXArray([RangeAxis("Y",1:10),RangeAxis("X",1:20)],rand(10,20),Dict("projection_PROJ4"=>"+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"))
I try to save a data cube with the following dimensions as a geotiff file
This is because we check for the dimension names for the first and second dimension and expect x to be first and the y axis to be second.
Could we do this check in the savedataset function and permute the dimensions there? I tried to permute the dimensions in the outer core, but to_dataset ignores the permutation when the cube is converted into a Dataset before saving it to disk.