Closed Balinus closed 1 year ago
I had a success by using one of the CubeA variable, by setting the chunks and permuting the dims as described by some Issues here.
CubeB = permutedims(CubeB, YAXArrays.Axes.findAxis.(caxes(CubeA[Variable="t2m"]), (CubeB,)))
dsfinal = concatenatecubes([setchunks(CubeA[Variable="t2m"],Dict("longitude"=>5, "latitude"=>10, "time"=>2, "number"=>1)), setchunks(CubeB, Dict("longitude"=>5, "latitude"=>10, "time"=>2, "number"=>1))], CategoricalAxis("Variables", ["Cube1", "Cube2"]))
But... this seems rather "heavy" to do if I want to rebuild a 10+ Variables from CubeA.
ok! I had some success here. Not pretty, but it works! By using a list comprehension, concatenatecubes
is able to merge all the cubes into a final Cube.
CubeB = permutedims(CubeB, YAXArrays.Axes.findAxis.(caxes(CubeA[Variable="t2m"]), (CubeB,)))
dsfinal = concatenatecubes(vcat([setchunks(CubeA[Variable=ivar],
Dict("longitude"=>5, "latitude"=>10, "time"=>2, "number"=>1)) for ivar in CubeA.Variable],
setchunks(tp_mm, Dict("longitude"=>5, "latitude"=>10, "time"=>2, "number"=>1))),
CategoricalAxis("Variables", vcat(CubeA.Variable, "tp_mm")))
Also just found out
why not just use append ? Maybe with a MWE we could find a good solution to your situation.
Thanks! Can append
be used without saving the data to disk (explicitly. I understand that there is some saving in the background for a ~25GB dataset).
I'll post a MWE tomorrow. Cheers!
In this MWE, I actually wasn't able to concatenate the Cube as opposed to my real world data, because of a type problem. Here's my attempts!
using YAXArrays
using Dates
function diff(xout, xin)
# Padding 1#st element with 0
xout .= vcat(0.0, Base.diff(xin))
function diff(cube::YAXArray, kwargs...)
indims = InDims("time")
outdims = OutDims("time")
mapCube(diff, cube, indims=indims, outdims=outdims)
axlist = [
RangeAxis("time", Date("2022-01-01"):Day(1):Date("2022-01-30")),
RangeAxis("lon", range(1, 10, length=10)),
RangeAxis("lat", range(1, 5, length=15)),
CategoricalAxis("Variable", ["var1", "var2"])
data = rand(30, 10, 15, 2)
CubeA = YAXArray(axlist, data)
YAXArray with the following dimensions
time Axis with 30 Elements from 2022-01-01 to 2022-01-30
lon Axis with 10 Elements from 1.0 to 10.0
lat Axis with 15 Elements from 1.0 to 5.0
Variable Axis with 2 elements: var1 var2
Total size: 70.31 KB
# WE need to calculate the difference for a specific variable
CubeB = diff(CubeA[Variable="var1"])
YAXArray with the following dimensions
time Axis with 30 Elements from 2022-01-01 to 2022-01-30
lon Axis with 10 Elements from 1.0 to 10.0
lat Axis with 15 Elements from 1.0 to 5.0
Total size: 35.16 KB
# 1st try by hardcoding the variable to concatenate
dsfinal = concatenatecubes([CubeA[Variable="var1"], CubeB], CategoricalAxis("Variables", vcat("var1", "var3")))
All cubes must have the same element type, cube number 2 does not match
[1] error(s::String)
@ Base ./error.jl:33
[2] concatenatecubes(cl::Vector{YAXArray{T, 3, A, Vector{CubeAxis}} where {T, A<:AbstractArray{T, 3}}}, cataxis::CategoricalAxis{String, :Variables, Vector{String}})
@ YAXArrays.Cubes ~/.julia/packages/YAXArrays/au5n4/src/Cubes/TransformedCubes.jl:40
[3] top-level scope
@ In[28]:1
[4] eval
@ ./boot.jl:373 [inlined]
[5] include_string(mapexpr::typeof(REPL.softscope), mod::Module, code::String, filename::String)
@ Base ./loading.jl:1196
Vector{Float64} (alias for Array{Float64, 1})
Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}} (alias for Array{Union{Missing, Float64}, 1})
Hope this helps a little it!
I'm closing it as I am able to concatenate the cubes, although with a long syntax (it is now hidden in a function 😀 )
I'm am trying the following and I have still not succeeeding at adding a CubeB resulting from a computation to an existing CubeA.
The result CubeB is the following. It represents a transformation of one of the Variable in CubeA
The original Cube has all the Variables and hence has an additionnal dimension named Variable:
I tried
, but I wasn't able to use the function.I also tried to create a kind of dummy dimension
for CubeB, not since the data is 4D, it does not work with a length 5 axis names.