JuliaDatabases / SQLite.jl

A Julia interface to the SQLite library
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Clash between independent registered functions #331

Closed aplavin closed 1 year ago

aplavin commented 1 year ago

Registering different UDF functions in different databases but with the same name doesn't work and silently gives a wrong result:

using SQLite
using DBInterface: execute

db_a = SQLite.DB(":memory:")
db_b = SQLite.DB(":memory:")
SQLite.register(db_a, x -> 2x, name="myfunc")
SQLite.register(db_b, x -> 10x, name="myfunc")
@show first(execute(db_a, """select myfunc(1) as x"""))  # shows 10 (should be 2)
@show first(execute(db_b, """select myfunc(1) as x"""))  # shows 10 (as it should)

As I understand, it's due to this line: https://github.com/JuliaDatabases/SQLite.jl/blob/4b22cc449555bea223b7b5814840f03da671aee3/src/UDF.jl#L54

Definitions with the function keyword are global in Julia, and SQLite.jl defines function myfunc(x) in both cases above. Can this be an anonymous function instead? I think it would fix the bug.