JuliaDebug / Cthulhu.jl

The slow descent into madness
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Use depth-limited type printing #568

Open charleskawczynski opened 4 months ago

charleskawczynski commented 4 months ago

Closes #566.

Zentrik commented 4 months ago

TypedSyntax is a separate package that can work without Cthulhu, so the print.jl file needs to be in TypedSyntax and can't rely on a global in Cthulhu. It looks like print.jl is only a line or 2 so seems simplest to just put the code where T_str = string(T) is currently, otherwise you should probably add @nospecialize to the arguments of the new functions given the function T_str = string(T) is contained in does.

charleskawczynski commented 4 months ago

TypedSyntax is a separate package that can work without Cthulhu, so the print.jl file needs to be in TypedSyntax and can't rely on a global in Cthulhu. It looks like print.jl is only a line or 2 so seems simplest to just put the code where T_str = string(T) is currently, otherwise you should probably add @nospecialize to the arguments of the new functions given the function T_str = string(T) is contained in does.

I still never managed to exercise show_annotation, so it's difficult for me to debug this, but moving it there seems like the right way forward, and we can then figure out how to pass CONFIG.type_depth_limit to it through Base.printstyled

charleskawczynski commented 4 months ago

I think that this is now working. From the test added in the test suite:

Screen Shot 2024-04-25 at 12 53 27 PM
charleskawczynski commented 4 months ago

On main, it looks like this:

Screen Shot 2024-04-25 at 12 55 39 PM
charleskawczynski commented 4 months ago

I'm not sure what the best way is forward for testing, @vchuravy?

Zentrik commented 4 months ago

Thanks for this, I've left a couple comments as these seems unnecessarily complicated right now.

Zentrik commented 4 months ago

For the tests, https://github.com/JuliaDebug/Cthulhu.jl/blob/master/test/test_codeview.jl looks like a good place to put it and hopefully the other tests in that file will help you in writing one for this. E.g. I think you should be able to adapt https://github.com/JuliaDebug/Cthulhu.jl/blob/17c53a157f5c21793115dc53ff83c87147dbc47b/test/test_codeview.jl#L49-L74 to test this.

You might want to disable this feature by default for tests, maybe in https://github.com/JuliaDebug/Cthulhu.jl/blob/master/test/runtests.jl to prevent this from breaking existing tests.

charleskawczynski commented 4 months ago

For the tests, https://github.com/JuliaDebug/Cthulhu.jl/blob/master/test/test_codeview.jl looks like a good place to put it and hopefully the other tests in that file will help you in writing one for this. E.g. I think you should be able to adapt...

Hm, my first attempt doesn't seem to be limiting the types:

using Revise; include(joinpath("test", "test_depth_limited_type_printing.jl"))
import Cthulhu

Base.@kwdef struct Nested{A,B}
    num::Int = 1
bar(x) = rand() > 0.5 ? x : Any[0][1]
mysum(x) = sum(y-> bar(x.num), 1:5; init=0)
nest_val(na, nb, ::Val{1}) = Nested{na, nb}()
nest_val(na, nb, ::Val{n}) where {n} = nest_val(Nested{na, nb}, Nested{na, nb}, Val(n-1))
nest_val(na, nb, n::Int) = nest_val(na, nb, Val(n))
nest_val(n) = nest_val(1, 1, n)
const NV = nest_val(5)

# f = nest_val(5)
# a = Any[f];
# mysum(a[1]) # make sure it runs
# Cthulhu.@descend mysum(a[1]) # navigate to sum -> sum, and Nested will be there
using Test
@testset "hide type-stable statements" begin
    let # optimize code
        # f = nest_val(5)
        # a = Any[f];
        # mysum(a[1]) # make sure it runs
        # Cthulhu.@descend mysum(a[1]) # navigate to sum -> sum, and Nested will be there
        (; src, infos, mi, rt, exct, effects, slottypes) = @eval Module() begin
            $cthulhu_info($mysum, ($(typeof(NV)),))
        function prints(; kwargs...)
            io = IOBuffer()
            ioc = IOContext(io, :maxtypedepth => Cthulhu.CONFIG.type_depth_limit)
            Cthulhu.cthulhu_typed(ioc, :none, src, rt, exct, effects, mi; kwargs...)
            return String(take!(io))

        let # by default, should print every statement
            s = prints()
            # @test occursin("::Nested{Nested{…}, Nested{…}}", s)

Any pointers?

Zentrik commented 4 months ago

I don't see anything obvious but I'm very busy right now so I'm not going to be able to get back to this pr for a few weeks. Thanks for your work so far, especially in addressing my comments.