JuliaDebug / Gallium.jl

The Julia debugger
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removing breakpoint results in error #169

Open dolejm1 opened 7 years ago

dolejm1 commented 7 years ago

I defined a breakpoint, stored it in an array but when I need to remove it error occurs and the breakpoint is inactivated:

julia> BP 1-element Array{Any,1}: Locations (+: active, -: inactive, *: source):

julia> Gallium.remove(BP[1]) ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 0-element Array{Gallium.Breakpoint,1} at index [0] in deleteat! at .\array.jl:577 [inlined] in remove(::Gallium.Breakpoint) at C:\Users\dolejm1.julia\v0.5\Gallium\src\Gallium.jl:757

julia> BP 1-element Array{Any,1}: Locations (+: active, -: inactive, *: source):