JuliaDebug / JuliaInterpreter.jl

Interpreter for Julia code
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Improve performance via JuliaSyntax #588

Closed ShalokShalom closed 10 months ago

ShalokShalom commented 10 months ago

According to some comment on the forum, is it possible that the interpreter does benefit from running the Julia level optimizations before executing, and cutting out the LLVM compilation time.

The introduction of JuliaSyntax could make it easier to trace the optimized Julia IR back to the source code.

timholy commented 10 months ago

We need JuliaSyntax to also handle lowering before this is viable. Right now it "only" handles parsing (that alone was a huge engineering feat).

ShalokShalom commented 5 months ago

Could we leave this open, and leave a link to the place where we can track the implementation of lowering, once it is in the works?

timholy commented 5 months ago

No need. The people who might implement it are fully aware of the issue. And you can always link to a closed issue.