JuliaDecisionFocusedLearning / ImplicitDifferentiation.jl

Automatic differentiation of implicit functions
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Speed up ForwardDiffExt with batched solve #84

Closed gdalle closed 5 months ago

gdalle commented 1 year ago

See https://github.com/gdalle/ImplicitDifferentiation.jl/issues/71#issuecomment-1662287726 by @thorek1

thorek1 commented 1 year ago

here is how I solve it in my tailored ForwardDiff compatible calls

partials = mapreduce(ℱ.partials, hcat, BCX)'

b = ℱ.jacobian(x -> solve_sylvester_equation_condition(x, val), bcx)
a = ℱ.jacobian(x -> solve_sylvester_equation_condition(bcx, x), val)

reshape_matmul = LinearOperators.LinearOperator(Float64, size(b,1) * size(partials,2), size(b,1) * size(partials,2), false, false, 
        (sol,𝐱) -> begin 
        𝐗 = reshape(𝐱, (size(b,1),size(partials,2)))
        sol .= vec(a * 𝐗)
        return sol

X, info = Krylov.gmres(reshape_matmul, -vec(b * partials))#, atol = tol)

jvp = reshape(X, (size(b,1),size(partials,2)))
thorek1 commented 1 year ago

here you can see nicely as well why its worth having different conditions_backends. if you go from m input elements to n output elements and m >>n you want to use reverse mode overall but the conditions go both ways in terms of dimensionality. once you go from m to n and once from n to m (solution as input). in that sense, the case with the potentially largest efficiency gain is the one where you diff the condition with respect to the solution (b). and if m >> n or vice versa it can make sense to use autodiff the other way compared to what you use on the implicit function. I hope this was clear :)

gdalle commented 1 year ago

I'm struggling to make this work because gmres(A, B) doesn't work to perform parallel solve when B is a matrix. On the other hand, A \ B works fine

thorek1 commented 1 year ago

See the vec and reshape operations in my example.

I also gave it a try but was struggling with the operators. Working with realised matrices is somewhat easier for me...

thorek1 commented 1 year ago

I tried a bit myself and managed for the direct solver case but the linear operator dimensions are a bit tricky to figure out

gdalle commented 1 year ago

This is an internal performance issue that can always be improved in a non breaking way, so I'm putting it on hold to focus on the design for v0.5

gdalle commented 5 months ago

Fixed by #135 for the dense Jacobian case, see #129 for the lazy Jacobian case