JuliaDiff / AbstractDifferentiation.jl

An abstract interface for automatic differentiation.
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Get rid of ugly macro? #123

Open gdalle opened 8 months ago

gdalle commented 8 months ago

I was chatting with @adrhill and he suggested that the macro @primitive could be discarded if each backend simply implemented some methods from AbstractDifferentiation, mostly jacobian and a pushforward or pullback. Thoughts?

adrhill commented 8 months ago

To elaborate on this:

What the macro does

As far as I understand, the @primitive macro is used on pullbacks/pushforwards from individual backends to generate the following AD.jacobian functions:

Forward-mode AD: https://github.com/JuliaDiff/AbstractDifferentiation.jl/blob/211b67528c5ed91971bb524c57adb63837163367/src/AbstractDifferentiation.jl#L600-L634

Reverse-mode AD: https://github.com/JuliaDiff/AbstractDifferentiation.jl/blob/211b67528c5ed91971bb524c57adb63837163367/src/AbstractDifferentiation.jl#L636-L663

These functions compute full Jacobians by evaluating the pullbacks/pushforwards on the standard basis (identity_like).

Fallback behavior

By default, the fallback jacobian function is empty (maybe this should be replaced by a NotImplementedError):


As shown in the implementer guide, this jacobian function is the fallback at the core of most functions exported by AbstractDifferentiation:


Taking reverse-mode AD as an example, the function dependency graph of value_and_pullback_function would look as follows:

Now, when a reverse-mode AD backend is loaded, value_and_pullback_function is defined for the backend and @primitive is called on it, the function dependency graph is inverted:

The second behaviour is desired, as we wouldn't want to compute a full Jacobian just to compute a VJP when we can instead evaluate the pullback directly.

The fact that the function dependency graph is flipped was very confusing to me at first. A lot of hidden control flow is added via package extensions and the @primitive macro, which currently isn't documented in the implementer guide.

Back to the question

Why is AD.jacobian so central to AbstractDifferentiation.jl and why does it have to be generated via a macro? Can't it be implemented in a more generic way by making sure pullbacks and pushforward wrappers have consistent output types?

The only advantage I currently see is to allow users to

but those sound like things that should usually be avoided.

Why isn't AbstractDifferentiation.jl built around two primitives value_and_pullback_function and value_and_pushforward [^1] and making more liberal use of dispatch on the AbstractReverseMode and AbstractForwardMode types?

[^1]: Ideally with in-place mutating variants.

devmotion commented 8 months ago

Duplicate of https://github.com/JuliaDiff/AbstractDifferentiation.jl/issues/13, or at least https://github.com/JuliaDiff/AbstractDifferentiation.jl/issues/13#issuecomment-1664642912 and the following discussion?

oxinabox commented 8 months ago

Why is AD.jacobian so central to AbstractDifferentiation.jl Why isn't AbstractDifferentiation.jl built around two primitives value_and_pullback_function and value_and_pushforward

Historical reasons based mainly on the original author have a strong enough understanding of the calculus involved, but not such a strong understanding of autodiff or julia abstractions, IIRC. And the priority being on getting something out that worked and was usable. It should be.

mohamed82008 commented 8 months ago

This issue is my fault. Feel free to remove the macro if it makes things simpler.

devmotion commented 8 months ago

BTW, regarding

Why is AD.jacobian so central to AbstractDifferentiation.jl and why does it have to be generated via a macro? Can't it be implemented in a more generic way by making sure pullbacks and pushforward wrappers have consistent output types?

https://github.com/JuliaDiff/AbstractDifferentiation.jl/pull/95 trimmed down the macro, it can only be used anymore to implement the jacobian based on a pushforward_function or a value_and_pullback_function. Support for ReverseDiff and FiniteDifferences is implemented without the macro already, and e.g. ForwardDiff uses the automatically constructed jacobian function only for functions with multiple arguments (the single-argument version just calls ForwardDiff.jacobian).

mohamed82008 commented 6 months ago

As I mentioned in https://github.com/JuliaDiff/AbstractDifferentiation.jl/issues/13#issuecomment-1994191014 and https://github.com/JuliaDiff/AbstractDifferentiation.jl/issues/123#issuecomment-1880412967, I am ok with removing the macro. It is currently a thin wrapper over a pushforward or pullback definition. Feel free to open a PR.