julia> using AbstractDifferentiation
julia> AbstractDifferentiation.ZygoteBackend()
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching ZygoteBackend()
[1] top-level scope
@ REPL[3]:1
I know Zygote has to be imported for it to work.
I have it as a default value for a function, and I imported Zygote, but when I added some code to use PrecompileTools to precompile the main functions of my package in Julia 1.9, it failed. Probably because ZygoteBackend is an empty function.
I know
has to be imported for it to work. I have it as a default value for a function, and I imported Zygote, but when I added some code to usePrecompileTools
to precompile the main functions of my package inJulia 1.9
, it failed. Probably becauseZygoteBackend
is an empty function.https://github.com/impICNF/ICNF.jl/actions/runs/4822195143/jobs/8589112403#step:6:756