I noticed at a certain point my code started to crash because of some NaNs introduced by Forward diff when performing derivatives of the eigenvectors of matrix.
Here was my previous code (it was working at a certain point):
function buggy(x)
mat = zeros(eltype(x),(2, 2))
mat[1,1] = x[1]
mat[1,2] = x[2]
mat[2,1] = x[2]
mat[2,2] = x[3]
(ω, pols) = eigen(Symmetric(mat))
return pols
When differentiating with:
julia> vv = [82.62687031649999 0.0 82.62687031649999]
julia> ForwardDiff.jacobian(buggy, vv)
4×3 Matrix{Float64}:
NaN -Inf NaN
NaN Inf NaN
However, if I remove the specification that the matrix must be Symmetric, then it works.
Hello, I noticed at a certain point my code started to crash because of some NaNs introduced by Forward diff when performing derivatives of the eigenvectors of matrix.
Here was my previous code (it was working at a certain point):
When differentiating with:
However, if I remove the specification that the matrix must be Symmetric, then it works.
I remember I had to specify Symmetric because, at a certain point, ForwardDiff was working only with that (I do not remember exactly).