JuliaDiff / SparseDiffTools.jl

Fast jacobian computation through sparsity exploitation and matrix coloring
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control on chunk_size in chunk_size #156

Closed JianghuiDu closed 2 years ago

JianghuiDu commented 2 years ago

There doesn't seem to be an argument for chunk_size in JacVec or JacVecOperator. My code has some temporary variables inside so I use dualcache. But my choice of chunk_size in dualcache is not compatible with JacVec unless it is set to 1.

Here's an example using the example shown in the dualcache tutorial:

using LinearAlgebra, OrdinaryDiffEq, PreallocationTools
function foo(du, u, (A, tmp), t)
    tmp = get_tmp(tmp, u)
    mul!(tmp, A, u)
    @. du = u + tmp
chunk_size = 1
# chunk_size = 5  doesn't work!

(A, tmp) = (ones(5,5), dualcache(zeros(5), Val{chunk_size}))
ff = (y,x)->foo(y,x,(A,tmp),nothing)

u0 = rand(5);
du0 = similar(u0);

using SparseDiffTools

J = JacVec(ff,u0;autodiff=true);
res = similar(u0);
mul!(res,J,u0) # Does 1 f evaluation
ChrisRackauckas commented 2 years ago

JacVec operations only ever need 1 chunk maximum, so it's kept to one.

JianghuiDu commented 2 years ago

But in dualcache we may need larger chunk size, does it mean that have to be limited to 1 too? Why should they be related at all?

ChrisRackauckas commented 2 years ago

That's a dualcache issue. We could just cut the size of the dualcache if it's generated for a larger chunk size. In theory, you could always use a smaller chunk. In practice, it doesn't give the right size so we should make a view.

JianghuiDu commented 2 years ago

Where should we add the view?

ChrisRackauckas commented 2 years ago


If the chunk size of the reinterpret T is greater than the chunk size of the dual_du, then we should make a view. For example, if dual_du is a length 11 vector with chunk size 2 and T has chunk size one, then reinterpret will return a length 22 vector of chunk size 1 duals. We just need to make that be a view to the first 11 terms and it would work. And then we would just have to error if the chunk size of T is greater than the chunk size of dual_du.

JianghuiDu commented 2 years ago

You mean like

function get_tmp(dc::DiffCache, u::T) where T<:ForwardDiff.Dual
  x = reinterpret(T, dc.dual_du)

@view x[1:length(dc.dual_du)]

Also, how is the chunk size of T is controlled in this case? In the example I gave, I never specify the chunk size of u. Is it automatically chosen when ForwardDiff is called within JacVec? Can we specify that?

ChrisRackauckas commented 2 years ago

You mean like

Yup, exactly. If we throw that on each of those this case should be solved. The view needs to be multidimensional though to handle when x is a higher dimensional array. You'll want to splat axes(dc.dual_du) instead.

Also, how is the chunk size of T is controlled in this case?

It's from the algorithm itself. JacVec knows it only needs a single chunk to ever do J*v calculations, so it hardcodes a chunk 1. Rosenbrock has a chunk 1 calculation as well. Etc. ForwardDiff has an automatic chunk size for its Jacobian calculations, so DiffCache matches that. That will make things work for any Jacobian calculations internal to SciML. The only other case to handle then is that some things are not computing full Jacobians and so T can be a chunk size smaller than the chosen default, and the view should then make that fine.

JianghuiDu commented 2 years ago

This has been solved by https://github.com/SciML/PreallocationTools.jl/commit/090adf9d259f385d247ace4f7809fbafec2e72a1