Closed azev77 closed 3 years ago
Is it work keeping Pkg.installed() in the cheat sheet?
julia> Pkg.installed() ┌ Warning: Pkg.installed() is deprecated └ @ Pkg C:\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.6\Pkg\src\Pkg.jl:566 Dict{String, VersionNumber} with 14 entries: "CSV" => v"0.8.5" "Distributions" => v"0.24.18" "TemporalGPs" => v"0.5.11" "ParameterHandling" => v"0.3.2" "Interpolations" => v"0.13.2" "Optim" => v"1.3.0" "HTTP" => v"0.9.10" "InfiniteOpt" => v"0.4.0" "AbstractGPs" => v"0.3.5" "Ipopt" => v"0.6.5" "KernelFunctions" => v"0.10.5" "Plots" => v"1.16.5" "Zygote" => v"0.6.12" "DataFrames" => v"1.1.1"
Probably worth removing!
Just open a PR and I will merge it.
Done @azev77
Is it work keeping
in the cheat sheet?