This is a list of examples of dynamical systems with coupling between variables, either unidirectional or multidirectional, that can be studied in the framework of time series causality methods.
Do you miss a system on the list? Open an issue for the wanted system and tag this tracker. Or, even better, implement the system yourself in theSystems submodule and do a pull request! You can use one of the existing example in the /systems/ subfolder as inspiration. Remember to add tests too!
Discrete maps
Unidirectional coupling
[x] 2D logistic map. Unidirectional forcing from X to Y. [implemented in #6 ].
[x] 3D Chua circuit system, w/ sine function nonlinearity. From [Tang, Wallace KS, et al. "Generation of n-scroll attractors via sine function." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications 48.11 (2001): 1369-1372](Tang, Wallace KS, et al. "Generation of n-scroll attractors via sine function." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications 48.11 (2001): 1369-1372.). [Implemented in #19 ]
[x] 9D Lorenz system. Three coupled 3D Lorenz attractors with unidirectional forcing X1 -> X2 and X2 -> X3. [implemented in #22]
submoduleThis is a list of examples of dynamical systems with coupling between variables, either unidirectional or multidirectional, that can be studied in the framework of time series causality methods.
Do you miss a system on the list? Open an issue for the wanted system and tag this tracker. Or, even better, implement the system yourself in the
submodule and do a pull request! You can use one of the existing example in the/systems/
subfolder as inspiration. Remember to add tests too!Discrete maps
Unidirectional coupling
Strange, nonchaotic maps
Continuous systems
Unidirectional coupling
Multidirectional coupling
[x] 6D Chua circuit system. One 3D Chua circuit forced by a sine function bidirectionally coupled to another 3D Chua circuit forced by a sine function. The subsystems are mutually coupled by a linear resistor. From Murali, K., and M. Lakshmanan. "Chaotic dynamics of the driven Chua's circuit." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I Fundamental Theory and Applications 40.11 (1993): 836-840. [implemented in #18 ]
[x] 9D Mediated link example. From Krakovská, Anna, et al. "Comparison of six methods for the detection of causality in a bivariate time series." Physical Review E 97.4 (2018): 042207. [implemented in #21]
[x] Hindmarsh–Rose model of neuronal bursting. Hindmarsh, James L., and R. M. Rose. "A model of neuronal bursting using three coupled first order differential equations." Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 221.1222 (1984): 87-102