Closed awage closed 3 years ago
The state here is a static vector so of course it is not mutable. What you should do in affect!
set_state!(integrator, new_state_that_is_also_a_static_vector)
u_modified!(integrator, true)
this should work. Can you test it and if it works close the issue?
I completely forgot this. I used a workaround but this method is cleaner. Thanks!
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using DynamicalSystems
using Plots
# Equations of motion:
function forced_pendulum(u, p, t)
@inbounds begin
d = p[1]; F = p[2]; omega = p[3]
du1 = u[2]
du2 = -d*u[2] - sin(u[1])+ F*cos(omega*t)
return SVector{2}(du1, du2)
# We have to define a callback to wrap the phase in [-π,π]
function affect!(integrator)
uu = integrator.u
if integrator.u[1] < 0
set_state!(integrator, SVector(uu[1] + 2π, uu[2]))
u_modified!(integrator, true)
set_state!(integrator, SVector(uu[1] - 2π, uu[2]))
u_modified!(integrator, true)
condition(u,t,integrator) = (integrator.u[1] < -π || integrator.u[1] > π)
cb = DiscreteCallback(condition,affect!)
F, ω, d = 1.66, 1., 0.2
p = [d, F, ω]
df = ContinuousDynamicalSystem(forced_pendulum,rand(2), p)
# range for forced pend
xg = range(-pi,pi,length = 300)
yg = range(-2.,4.,length = 300)
default_diffeq = (reltol = 1e-9, abstol = 1e-9, alg = Vern9(), callback = cb)
bsn, att = basins_of_attraction((xg, yg), df; T = 2*pi/ω, diffeq = default_diffeq)
Describe the bug When a callback is triggered the integrator is not mutable. The solution is to use
should be mutable. I don't know where the problem comes from. Giving a value to the state triggers:Minimal Working Example