JuliaDynamics / ChaosTools.jl

Tools for the exploration of chaos and nonlinear dynamics
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Unexpected time while using the second mode for basins_of_attraction #238

Closed awage closed 2 years ago

awage commented 2 years ago

The computation of basins with the second mode can take a long time depending on the radius parameter ε.

res = 600
ds = Systems.henon(zeros(2); a = 1.4, b = 0.3)
xg = yg = range(-2.,2.,length = res)
grid = (xg,yg)
@time basins, att = basins_of_attraction(grid, ds; show_progress = false)
@time basins, att = basins_of_attraction(grid, ds; attractors = att, show_progress = false )
@time basins, att = basins_of_attraction(grid, ds; attractors = att, ε = 1e-6, show_progress = false )

Results are:

@time basins, att = basins_of_attraction(grid, ds; show_progress = false)
 7.703854 seconds (43.50 M allocations: 1.376 GiB, 4.25% gc time, 62.09% compilation time)

@time basins, att = basins_of_attraction(grid, ds; attractors = att, show_progress = false )
123.987298 seconds (286.80 M allocations: 19.574 GiB, 2.83% gc time, 1.35% compilation time)

@time basins, att = basins_of_attraction(grid, ds; attractors = att, ε = 1e-6, show_progress = false )
  1.055172 seconds (4.02 M allocations: 180.549 MiB, 4.70% gc time, 54.13% compilation time)

Default radius is 1e-3. My guess is that the nearest neighbor search finds a lot of points for this radius and there are too much memory allocation in basins_low_level.jl :

        for (k, t) in bsn_nfo.search_trees # this is a `Dict`
            idxs = isearch(t, u_full_state, WithinRange(ε))
            if !isempty(idxs)
                nxt_clr = 2*k + 1

Is there a way to just stop after finding one index instead of having all of them?

Datseris commented 2 years ago

Yes. We need to change this codeblock entirely. We should make it always find the first nearest neighbor with NeighborNumber(1) instead of WithinRange(ε)), and then compare the neighbor distance to ε instead of doing isempty(idxs).

awage commented 2 years ago

This code does the trick:

        for (k, t) in bsn_nfo.search_trees # this is a `Dict`
            idx = isearch(t, u_full_state, NeighborNumber(1))
            if norm(t.data[idx][1] - u_full_state) < ε
                nxt_clr = 2*k + 1

Although t.data[idx][1] looks ugly it works.


julia> @time basins, att = basins_of_attraction(grid, ds; show_progress = false)
  2.984120 seconds (29.77 M allocations: 636.008 MiB, 4.04% gc time, 3.01% compilation time)

julia> @time basins, att = basins_of_attraction(grid, ds; attractors = att, show_progress = false )
  1.943639 seconds (7.90 M allocations: 658.578 MiB, 6.44% gc time, 33.87% compilation time)

julia> @time basins, att = basins_of_attraction(grid, ds; attractors = att, ε = 1e-6, show_progress = false )
  1.887366 seconds (8.33 M allocations: 673.577 MiB, 6.53% gc time, 32.44% compilation time)

Should I open a PR?

Datseris commented 2 years ago

I think you can do:

# initialize
dist = [Inf]
neighborindex = [0]
searchstate = [u_full_state]

# in the actual code / loop:
Neighborhood.NearestNeighbors.knn_point!(tree, u_full_state, false, dist, neighborindex, Neighborhood.alwaysfalse)

and dist is updated in place to contain the distance to the nearest neighbor. This is the most efficient possible vesrtion ever with 0 allocations.

(please test it I may have misstyped something or so)

yes for the PR

awage commented 2 years ago

Seems that NearestNeighbors is not a member of Neighborhood in the scope (at least in the REPL).

It is not exported in Neighborhood. I can add a PR to this other repository.

Datseris commented 2 years ago

Neighborhood.NearestNeighbors doesn't exist? How can this be, it is clearly imported in the module: https://github.com/JuliaNeighbors/Neighborhood.jl/blob/master/src/kdtree.jl#L1 . It is not exported, I know, which is why I preface it with Neighborhood.

awage commented 2 years ago

I don't know, package status: [645ca80c] Neighborhood v0.2.3


Datseris commented 2 years ago

Well, the name is usable nevertheless:

julia> using Neighborhood

julia> Neighborhood.NearestNeighbors
awage commented 2 years ago

Yes it does call the function! I did not know that

I tried this solution and it still takes a very long time. The first solution you gave was lightning quick!

        dist = [Inf]; neighborindex = [0];
        for (k, t) in bsn_nfo.search_trees # this is a `Dict`
            Neighborhood.NearestNeighbors.knn_point!(t, u_full_state, false, dist, neighborindex, Neighborhood.alwaysfalse)
            if dist[1] < ε
                nxt_clr = 2*k + 1
awage commented 2 years ago

There is something strange happening with the default distance 1e-3:

@time basins, att2 = basins_of_attraction(grid, ds; attractors = att, ε = 1e-4, show_progress = true )
  1.474840 seconds (5.96 M allocations: 431.481 MiB, 5.87% gc time)

julia> @time basins, att2 = basins_of_attraction(grid, ds; attractors = att, ε = 1e-2, show_progress = true )
  2.295727 seconds (8.15 M allocations: 631.706 MiB, 5.39% gc time)

@time basins, att2 = basins_of_attraction(grid, ds; attractors = att, ε = 1e-3, show_progress = true )
184.270209 seconds (451.65 M allocations: 40.269 GiB, 4.60% gc time)

But for 1e-3 it takes 3 min! It's confusing.

Datseris commented 2 years ago

you're still re-creating dist = [Inf]; neighborindex = [0]; all the time though at each Δt step, they should only be created once.

awage commented 2 years ago

I get it. I included these variables into the structure BasinsInfo. But still get the same result:

        for (k, t) in bsn_nfo.search_trees # this is a `Dict`
            Neighborhood.NearestNeighbors.knn_point!(t, u_full_state, false, bsn_nfo.dist, bsn_nfo.neighborindex, Neighborhood.alwaysfalse)
            #@show bsn_nfo.dist
            if bsn_nfo.dist[1] < ε
                nxt_clr = 2*k + 1
@time basins, att2 = basins_of_attraction(grid, ds; attractors = att, ε = 1e-3, show_progress = false )
140.511056 seconds (3.37 M allocations: 147.891 MiB, 0.02% gc time, 0.48% compilation time)

Allocations are way down! But the search is not efficient for the radius 1e-3

Datseris commented 2 years ago

its still much faster than current approach so the PR should still be opened. I don't know what the deal with 1e-3.