JuliaDynamics / ComplexityMeasures.jl

Estimators for probabilities, entropies, and other complexity measures derived from data in the context of nonlinear dynamics and complex systems
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Missing deprecation for `OrdinalPatterns{m}(; τ)` #372

Closed kahaaga closed 5 months ago

kahaaga commented 5 months ago

During the rewrite for 3.0, the keyword τ became a positional argument. Therefore, pre-V3 code like the following fails

julia> m = 3; τ = 2; OrdinalPatterns{m}(; τ)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching (OrdinalPatterns{3})(; τ::Int64)

Closest candidates are:
  (OrdinalPatterns{m})() where m got unsupported keyword argument "τ"
   @ ComplexityMeasures ~/Documents/Repos/ComplexityMeasures.jl/src/outcome_spaces/ordinal_patterns.jl:198
  (OrdinalPatterns{m})(::Int64) where m got unsupported keyword argument "τ"
   @ ComplexityMeasures ~/Documents/Repos/ComplexityMeasures.jl/src/outcome_spaces/ordinal_patterns.jl:198
  (OrdinalPatterns{m})(::Int64, ::F) where {m, F} got unsupported keyword argument "τ"
   @ ComplexityMeasures ~/Documents/Repos/ComplexityMeasures.jl/src/outcome_spaces/ordinal_patterns.jl:198

 [1] top-level scope
   @ REPL[88]:1

Whether this was intentional or not, it needs a deprecation.

kahaaga commented 5 months ago

Actually, this is breaking. Since the constructors for all the ordinal pattern outcome spaces now have default values for their positional arguments, we can't simply deprecate the constructor signatures, because the positional symbols will collide with the keyword symbols. Was there any particular reason we did we switched to positional arguments? I can't remember if we discussed it or if it was a silent change.

I don't think too many people have upgraded yet, so perhaps we should handle this is an almost-semver spirit, where if the user provides τ or lt as keywords to any of the constructors, they are simply warned that the keyword argument they provided will override the positional argument. This is strictly breaking, but with the warning, it should be easy enough to fix, so maybe we can justify not going for 4.0 just for this minor semver violation.

I'll submit a PR with my suggestion

kahaaga commented 5 months ago

The other alternative is to revert to using keyword arguments, which is much cleaner IMO.

Datseris commented 5 months ago

I don't understand the problem. We can easily deprecate this. We need the following methods:

OP{m}(; τ, less) # the deprecated one. throws warning.
OP{m}(τ, less = rand_less) # the normal one.

once the deprecated one is removed then we simply put a default value back to τ in the 2nd function.

I don't like putting functions as keyword arguments because it is not clear whether type specialization will occur on keyword arugments. This may have performance impact. If you can benchmark it and show that it doesn't, then ok for keyword arguments.

kahaaga commented 5 months ago

The issue is that OP{m}(τ, less = rand_less) is not the method we released for 3.0. We released OP{m}(τ = 1, ls = rand_less) , which also has a default value for the first argument).

Now, if the user calls OP{m}(; τ = 1), the actual function call is OP{m}(τ = 1, less = rand_less; τ = 1). Which τ is supposed to be used, the argument or the keyword argument? I may be missing something obvious here, but I don't see how we can deprecate like suggested above.

We'd have to do something like the following, where we make a choice about whether the argument or the keyword argument should take precedence.

function OrdinalPatterns{m}(τ::Int = 1, lt::F=isless_rand; kwargs...) where {m, F}
    if haskey(kwargs, :τ)
        msg = "Keyword argument `τ` to `OrdinalPatterns` is deprecated. " *
        "The signature is now " * 
        "`OrdinalPatterns{m}(τ = 1, lt::Function = ComplexityMeasures.isless_rand)`" * 
        ", so provide `τ` as a positional argument instead. " * 
        "In this call, the given keyword `τ` is used instead of the positional `τ`."
        @warn msg
        τ = kwargs[:τ]
    if haskey(kwargs, :lt)
        msg = "Keyword argument `lt` to `OrdinalPatterns` is deprecated. " *
        "The signature is now " * 
        "`OrdinalPatterns{m}(τ = 1, lt::Function = ComplexityMeasures.isless_rand)`" * 
        ", so provide `lt` as a positional argument instead. "  * 
        "In this call, the given keyword `lt` is used instead of the positional `lt`."
        @warn msg
        lt = kwargs[:lt]

    m >= 2 || throw(ArgumentError("Need order m ≥ 2."))
    return OrdinalPatterns{m, F}(OrdinalPatternEncoding{m}(lt), τ)
Datseris commented 5 months ago

The issue is that OP{m}(τ, less = rand_less) is not the method we released for 3.0. We released OP{m}(τ = 1, ls = rand_less) , which also has a default value for the first argument).

well okay, that was a bug so it isn't a breaking change to fix it. The documentation dictates what is breaking or not, not if we made a mistake in the source code.

Now, if the user calls OP{m}(; τ = 1),

According to my comment If the user calls that they get the warning of the deprecated method, and then the method OP(τ) is called, assuming we fix the source code, so thereisn't any problem.

But in any case, the code you paste above solves all the problems as well.

kahaaga commented 5 months ago

I don't like putting functions as keyword arguments because it is not clear whether type specialization will occur on keyword arugments. This may have performance impact.

Just because I'm curious and want to make sure I haven't missed anything: Where is it that you're worried about the performance impact, specifically? This is the OrdinalPatterns struct:

struct OrdinalPatterns{M,F} <: OrdinalOutcomeSpace{M}

The constructor is

function OrdinalPatterns{m}(τ::Int = 1, lt::F=isless_rand; kwargs...) where {m, F}
    m >= 2 || throw(ArgumentError("Need order m ≥ 2."))
    return OrdinalPatterns{m, F}(OrdinalPatternEncoding{m}(lt), τ)

which has a function barrier in place inside the constructor that ensures specialization for the encoding field. At what stage here do we potentially introduce performance drop by using keyword arguments for the outer constructor?

EDIT: I'll do a small benchmark too, just to check if there is any difference

kahaaga commented 5 months ago

The issue is that OP{m}(τ, less = rand_less) is not the method we released for 3.0. We released OP{m}(τ = 1, ls = rand_less) , which also has a default value for the first argument).

well okay, that was a bug so it isn't a breaking change to fix it. The documentation dictates what is breaking or not, not if we made a mistake in the source code.

The docstring is currently:

    OrdinalPatterns <: OutcomeSpace
    OrdinalPatterns{m}(τ = 1, lt::Function = ComplexityMeasures.isless_rand)

An [`OutcomeSpace`](@ref) based on lengh-`m` ordinal permutation patterns, originally
introduced in [BandtPompe2002](@citet)'s paper on permutation entropy.
Note that `m` is given as a type parameter, so that when it is a literal integer
there are performance accelerations.

This is a breaking change UNLESS we use my solution above and let the keyword argument take precedence. Do we agree?

Datseris commented 5 months ago

your solution works yes.

At what stage here do we potentially introduce performance drop by using keyword arguments for the outer constructor?

I am not sure. Perhaps I am saying nonsense and this doesn't matter at all. But we haven't checked for it either. The case I would check is a for loop where the OP is instantiated inside the for loop. Not sure what scenario this would be but let's imagine a user code

for x in thousand_timeseries
OP = OrPar(; ...)
entropy(OP, x)

that's the case I would test.

kahaaga commented 5 months ago

Some setup:

# Identical structs, but we use a positional argument outer constructor
#  for OP1 and a keyword argument constructor for OP2
struct OP1{M,F, I <: Integer} <: OrdinalOutcomeSpace{M}
struct OP2{M,F, I <: Integer} <: OrdinalOutcomeSpace{M}

function OP1{m}(τ::I = 1, lt::F=isless_rand) where {m, F, I}
    return OP1{m, F, I}(OrdinalPatternEncoding{m}(lt), τ)
function OP2{m}(; τ::I = 1, lt::F=isless_rand) where {m, F, I}
    return OP2{m, F, I}(OrdinalPatternEncoding{m}(lt), τ)

# So that we can call `probabilities`
permutation_weights(::OP1, ::Any) = nothing
permutation_weights(::OP2, ::Any) = nothing

function test_OP1(τs, funcs)
    for (τ, lt) in zip(τs, funcs)
        OP1{3}(τ, lt)

function test_OP2(τs, funcs)
    for (τ, lt) in zip(τs, funcs)
        OP2{3}(; τ, lt)

function test_OP1_do_stuff(τs, funcs, x)
    for i in eachindex(τs)
        o = OP1{3}(τs[i], funcs[i])
        probabilities(o, x)

function test_OP2_do_stuff(τs, funcs, x)
    for i in eachindex(τs)
        o = OP2{3}(; τ = τs[i], lt = funcs[i])
        probabilities(o, x)

# Setup and precompilation
using Random; 
rng = MersenneTwister(1234);
n = 1000
τs = rand(1:50, n);
fs = rand([Base.isless, ComplexityMeasures.isless_rand], n);
x = rand(1000);

test_OP1(τs, fs);
test_OP2(τs, fs);
test_OP1_do_stuff(τs, fs, x);
test_OP2_do_stuff(τs, fs, x);

The initialization of the struct is indeed slower for the keyword constructor than for the positional argument constructor:

julia> @btime test_OP1($τs, $fs)

  76.666 μs (2000 allocations: 62.50 KiB)

julia> @btime test_OP2($τs, $fs)
  199.000 μs (4000 allocations: 93.75 KiB)

But this overhead is completely irrelevant when actually performing any kind of operation with the outcome space:

julia> @btime test_OP1_do_stuff($τs, $fs, $x)

  72.398 ms (168000 allocations: 44.44 MiB)

julia> @btime test_OP2_do_stuff($τs, $fs, $x)

  72.870 ms (170000 allocations: 44.47 MiB)

For what we do in this package, with a reasonable-length time series (here: 1000 points) the actual calculations take three orders of magnitude longer than constructing the type instances. The difference would be even larger when also computing something like entropies on top of the probabilities.

Conclusion: we don't have to worry about keyword arguments in the constructors, except when the work done with the constructed types is minimal. Then some optimization on positional arguments could be relevant.

kahaaga commented 5 months ago

I am not sure. Perhaps I am saying nonsense and this doesn't matter at all.

You're obviously right. But I wonder why? I can't find anything concrete in the Julia docs about it