JuliaDynamics / ComplexityMeasures.jl

Estimators for probabilities, entropies, and other complexity measures derived from data in the context of nonlinear dynamics and complex systems
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Some documentation issues for CI #374

Open kahaaga opened 5 months ago

kahaaga commented 5 months ago

Issue 1

Previously, pushing a PR would trigger a documentation build preview that we could view at the url https://juliadynamics.github.io/DynamicalSystemsDocs.jl/complexitymeasures/previews/PRXXX/, where XXX is the PR number. This is no longer the case. For example, for PR https://github.com/JuliaDynamics/ComplexityMeasures.jl/pull/373, the documentation build is successful, but I can't access it at https://juliadynamics.github.io/DynamicalSystemsDocs.jl/complexitymeasures/previews/PR373/. I think this is because it is being deleted.

It is a bit cumbersome to have to build the docs locally to inspect them, so I think this behaviour should be as before: a successful doc build pushes a preview version of the documentation. We should still delete the preview, but only after the PR has been merged or closed.

Issue 2

All the old preview folders are not being deleted. There's currently tens of preview folders that still has some content. I guess we just manually delete these?

Datseris commented 5 months ago

the preview docs are only valid while the PR is open. YOu shouldn't expect to access them after the PR is merged. Is this issue existing while a PR is open?

All the old preview folders are not being deleted. There's currently tens of preview folders that still has some content. I guess we just manually delete these?

No, all of these should have been automatically deleted. I guess that's one more thing that broke in Documenter v1 that the devs didn't catch. Perhaps you can ask in the Julia #documentation slack channel?

kahaaga commented 5 months ago

YOu shouldn't expect to access them after the PR is merged

Yep, agreed.

Is this issue existing while a PR is open?
