JuliaDynamics / DrWatson.jl

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[DISCUSSION] Using DrWatson for Non-Simulation Based Projects #375

Open TheCedarPrince opened 1 year ago

TheCedarPrince commented 1 year ago

Hi folks,

I am a huge fan of DrWatson and have used it for many of my projects. I am currently embarking on one of my most in-depth projects using DrWatson and its conventions. What I am struggling with right now is that I am not sure I am using DrWatson "correctly".

My work deals not so much in simulation but rather data analysis, data munging, and analysis reviews. I have automated much of my analyses already wherein I create notebooks that get placed inside of the notebooks directory, reports and papers into the papers directory, and temporary data in the _research/tmp directory (per documentation). What I am running into, is that for my reports, I do need to manually go through each report and add additional summaries and reviews to each one based on the automated analyses I ran. In a DrWatson workflow, I am struggling about where to save these summaries as they will remain the same until data changes (I am using DVC for data provisioning here).

In a sense, they are "results" but they do not seem to align with the DrWatson workflow so I am unsure of where to put this data. Any thoughts or suggestions?


~ tcp :deciduous_tree:

Datseris commented 1 year ago

why not make a reviews folder and define reviewsdir(args...) = projectdir("reviews", args...) ?

Am I misunderstanding something? Because from what I understood the issue here is about what directories to use and naming things, right? Or it isn't?

Datseris commented 1 year ago

@TheCedarPrince can you provide an update here please? I am not sure if I have understood your problem/difficulty correctly.