Closed Datseris closed 6 years ago
I implemented the naive way using pmap
in order to reduce the time by parallelization.
I used a the following wrapper around lyapunov
in order to work directly on ODEProblem
function compute_lyapunov(prob::ODEProblem; d0=1e-9, threshold=10^4*d0, dt = 0.1,
diff_eq_kwargs = Dict(:abstol=>d0, :reltol=>d0))
threshold <= d0 && throw(ArgumentError("Threshold must be bigger than d0!"))
if haskey(diff_eq_kwargs, :solver)
solver = diff_eq_kwargs[:solver]
println("Using DPRKN12 as default solver")
solver = DPRKN12()
# Initialize
st1 = prob.u0
integ1 = init(prob, solver; diff_eq_kwargs..., save_first=false, save_everystep=false)
integ1.opts.advance_to_tstop = true
prob.u0 = st1 .+ d0
integ2 = init(prob, solver; diff_eq_kwargs..., save_first=false, save_everystep=false)
integ2.opts.advance_to_tstop = true
prob.u0 = st1
lyapunov(integ1, integ2, prob.tspan[2]; d0=d0, threshold=threshold, dt=dt)
Then I use the following function for the parallel λ computations
function compute_λs(q0list, p0list, tmax, d0, dt, tr, kwargs, prefix)
n = size(q0list, 1) # number of initial conditions
λs = SharedArray{Float64}(n)
pmap(i->(prob = defProb(q0list[i,:], p0list[i,:], (0., tmax));
λs[i] = compute_lyapunov(prob, d0=d0, dt=dt, threshold=tr,
save("$prefix/lyapunov.jld", "λs", λs, "d0", d0, "dt", dt, "tr", tr,
"tmax", tmax, "n", n);
return λs
in a function like this
using JLD
using ArgParse
using Plots, LaTeXStrings
using ProgressMeter
using PmapProgressMeter
@everywhere begin
using OrdinaryDiffEq, DiffEqCallbacks
using ParallelDataTransfer
function main()
# Hamiltonian parameters
A, B, D = readdlm("param.dat")
E_list, tmax, d0, dt, tr, solver, kwargs, defProb = input_param()
# Broadcast parameters to all workers
sendto(workers(), A=A, B=B, D=D, defProb=defProb)
for E in E_list
sendto(workers(), E=E)
prefix = "../output/B$B D$D E$E"
if !isdir(prefix)
if isfile("$prefix/z0.jld")
q0list, p0list = load("$prefix/z0.jld", "q0list", "p0list")
error("$prefix/z0.jld not found! Generate the initial conditions.")
λs = compute_λs(q0list, p0list, tmax, d0, dt, tr, kwargs, prefix)
where the initial conditions are read from a file.
Thanks! There may be better approaches or algorithms I am not aware of, but on the very least your code gives a concrete start for a general parallelized interface in case a different approach is not found!
This issue was moved to JuliaDynamics/ChaosTools.jl#5
I am talking about a function that would partition the phase space, and for each box of the phase space would give a value for a lyapunov exponent.
The naive way to do this is to run the already existing function
for each box of the phase-space, but maybe there are much better ways to do it. The above would be seriously slow, since the partitioning would have 3-6 orders of magnitude amount of initial conditions.@RainerEngelken may have some comments for this.