JuliaDynamics / DynamicalSystemsBase.jl

Definition of dynamical systems and integrators for DynamicalSystems.jl
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Discrete systems with memory (e.g. AR-N systems) #167

Open kahaaga opened 1 year ago

kahaaga commented 1 year ago

Describe the feature you'd like to have

See discussion here. It would be nice to have a dedicated implementation of DiscreteDynamicalSystemWithMemory, which could iterate systems where the next state depends on n previous time steps. This would allow defining for example autoregressive systems.

In CausalityTools.jl, I circumvent the lack of this type by defining each system as a struct that allocates memory containers that are updated as the system is iterated. For systems with stochastic components, these containers also store a reference to a random number generator, so that trajectories are reproducible.

If possible, sketch out an implementation strategy

Implement the approach described above, somehow. I'll revisit this when I'm done with the CausalityTools v2.0 release and after application deadlines.

Datseris commented 1 year ago

Isn't this an N-state markov chain? Or, that's the most general way to define these systems? That's what we should implement probably.

kahaaga commented 1 year ago

Here's an example of how I do it in CausalityTools.jl. There are 3 state variables, each depending on states a maximum of 2 time steps back. Hence, past_states is an SVector{3, MVector{2}}. An instance of Henon3 can then be passed as a parameter container to DiscreteDynamicalSystem, and past_states is updated using the update_states! function.

struct Henon3{P, T, S, A, B, C} <: LaggedDiscreteDefinition{P}

    function Henon3(; a::A = 1.4, b::B = 0.3, c::C = 0.1,
            xi::S = [0.4, 0.5, 0.6]) where {A, B, C, S}
        T = eltype(1.0)
        m₁ = MVector{2, T}(repeat([xi[1]], 2))
        m₂ = MVector{2, T}(repeat([xi[2]], 2))
        m₃ = MVector{2, T}(repeat([xi[3]], 2))
        past_states = SVector{3, MVector{2, T}}(m₁, m₂, m₃)
        P = typeof(past_states)
        return new{P, T, S, A, B, C}(past_states, xi, a, b, c)

function system(definition::Henon3)
    return DiscreteDynamicalSystem(eom_henon3, definition.xi, definition)

function eom_henon3(u, p::Henon3, t)
    # `u` is simply ignored here, because the state is stored in the memory vectors
    m₁, m₂, m₃ = p.past_states
    x₁₁, x₁₂ = m₁[1], m₁[2]
    x₂₁, x₂₂ = m₂[1], m₂[2]
    x₃₁, x₃₂ = m₃[1], m₃[2]

    a, b, c = p.a, p.b, p.c
    dx₁= a - x₁₁^2 + b*x₁₂
    dx₂= a - c*x₁₁*x₂₁ - (1 - c)*x₂₁^2 + b*x₂₂
    dx₃= a - c*x₂₁*x₃₁ - (1 - c)*x₃₁^2 + b*x₃₂

    new_state = SVector{3}(dx₁, dx₂, dx₃)
    update_states!(p, new_state) # Update memory vectors
    return new_state
kahaaga commented 1 year ago

Isn't this an N-state markov chain? Or, that's the most general way to define these systems? That's what we should implement probably

From the top of my head, I see three cases that need to be covered:

  1. Deterministic lagged discrete dynamical systems. The Henon3 example above is an example.
  2. The same as (1), but with stochastic components.
  3. Purely stochastic systems, which would be Markov chains

Perhaps there is a way to unify all of these, but I suspect that premature generalization is much more time consuming than just covering each case separately with its own concrete subtype of DynamicalSystem

kahaaga commented 1 year ago

Another example which is deterministic + stochastic:

Base.@kwdef struct Logistic2Unidir{V, C, R1, R2, Σy, R} <: DiscreteDefinition
    xi::V = [0.5, 0.5]
    c_xy::C = 0.1
    r₁::R1 = 3.78
    r₂::R2 = 3.66
    σ_xy::Σy = 0.05
    rng::R = Random.default_rng()

function eom_logistic2uni(u, p::Logistic2Unidir, t)
    (; xi, c_xy, r₁, r₂, σ_xy, rng) = p
    x, y = u
    f_xy = (y +  (c_xy*(x + σ_xy * rand(rng))/2) ) / (1 + (c_xy/2)*(1+σ_xy))

    dx = r₁ * x * (1 - x)
    dy = r₂ * (f_xy) * (1 - f_xy)
    return SVector{2}(dx, dy)

# Initialises a `DiscreteDynamicalSystem`
function system(definition::Logistic2Unidir)
    return DiscreteDynamicalSystem(eom_logistic2uni, definition.xi, definition)