JuliaDynamics / InteractiveDynamics.jl

Fast, general-purpose interactive applications for complex systems
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Interactive Orbit Diagram : hbox! not defined #125

Closed loiseaujc closed 1 year ago

loiseaujc commented 1 year ago


First, thx for this amazing package! I have started to use quite a bit for my nonlinear dynamics class. I recently installed Julia and all the packages of my new laptop and I'm running into a small problem whenever using interactive_orbitdiagram. Here is a minimal example:

# --> Sets up the parameters.
i = p_index = 1
ds, r_min, r_max, parname = Systems.logistic(), 1, 4, "μ"
title = "Orbit diagram"

# --> Plot the orbit diagram
interactive_orbitdiagram(ds, p_index, r_min, r_max, i ; parname=parname, title=title)

Whenever I run it, I get the following error:

ERROR: UndefVarError: hbox! not defined
 [1] add_controls!(controllayout::GridLayout, scene::Scene, D::Int64, parname::String, i0::Int64)
   @ InteractiveChaos ~/.julia/packages/InteractiveChaos/JO3KW/src/chaos/orbitdiagram.jl:311
 [2] interactive_orbitdiagram(ds::DiscreteDynamicalSystem{false, Float64, 1, typeof(DynamicalSystemsBase.Systems.logistic_rule), Vector{Float64}, typeof(DynamicalSystemsBase.Systems.logistic_jacob), Float64, false}, p_index::Int64, p_min::Int64, p_max::Int64, i0::Int64; u0::Float64, parname::String, title::String)
   @ InteractiveChaos ~/.julia/packages/InteractiveChaos/JO3KW/src/chaos/orbitdiagram.jl:64
 [3] top-level scope
   @ REPL[5]:1

The Makie window opens up correctly but the buttons are all messed up and nothing is plotted. For info, I am using Julia 1.8.4 along with

I'm not sure what the problem is. It seems to me that, whenever I install InteractiveChaos, GLMakie is downdated to 0.1.30 even though it was initially v0.8 or something. Note however that I have no problem when running interactive_cobweb for instance.

Datseris commented 1 year ago

GLMakie v0.1.30 is so old. This seems to be unrelated with our package thankfully. You need to find out why you can't install GLMakie 0.8. InteractiveDynamics is also on version 0.21...

Oh yeah. You are using the previous name of the package InteractiveChaos. Use InteractiveDynamcis instead.