JuliaDynamics / StateSpaceSets.jl

The `StateSpaceSet` interface for packages of JuliaDynamics
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Feature request: distance correlation (+ distance covariance/variance) #5

Closed kahaaga closed 1 year ago

kahaaga commented 1 year ago

Describe the feature you'd like to have

Lately, I encountered a situation where I needed to compute the similarity between two datasets, where each can be of arbitrary dimension. That led me to the distance correlation metric.

I see that this package already offers some ways of computing distances between datasets. Would it be appropriate to offer the distance correlation here too?

Disclaimer: I'm offering this as a utility method in the upcoming v2 release of CausalityTools, but I thought it might be of more widespread use here. Not sure where it belongs though. It kind of fits in with mutual information, but then again, it isn't entropy-based, like all the other information measures there.

Cite scientific papers related to the feature/algorithm

The algorithm was introduced in Székely, G. J., Rizzo, M. L., & Bakirov, N. K. (2007). Measuring and testing dependence by correlation of distances. The annals of statistics, 35(6), 2769-2794.

If possible, sketch out an implementation strategy

Here's a simple, non-optimized implementation that only depends on Distances.jl, that passes analytical tests and comparison with the energy-package in R (by the method authors):

 using StateSpaceSets: AbstractDataset
using Distances
    distance_covariance(x, y) → dcov::Real

Compute the empirical/sample distance covariance (Székely et al., 2007)[^Székely2007]
between datasets `x` and `y`.

    Székely, G. J., Rizzo, M. L., & Bakirov, N. K. (2007). Measuring and testing
    dependence by correlation of distances. The annals of statistics, 35(6), 2769-2794.
function distance_covariance(x::AbstractDataset, y::AbstractDataset)
    @assert length(x) == length(y)
    N = length(x)
    # The subscript notation in the paper is a bit messy, but it really just refers
    # to column-wise (āₖs), row-wise (āₗs) and overall (ā) means of a pairwise distance
    # matrix (and analogously for b̄ₖs, b̄ₗs and b̄)
    A = pairwise(Euclidean(), x)
    B = pairwise(Euclidean(), y)
    āₖs = mean(A, dims = 1) # col-wise mean
    āₗs = mean(A, dims = 2) # row-wise mean
    ā = mean(A)
    b̄ₖs = mean(B, dims = 1) # col-wise mean
    b̄ₗs = mean(B, dims = 2) # row-wise mean
    b̄ = mean(B)

    𝒱ₙ² = 0.0
    for l = 1:N
        āₖ = āₖs[l]
        b̄ₖ = b̄ₖs[l]
        for k = 1:N
            Aₖₗ = A[k, l] - āₖ - āₗs[k] + ā
            Bₖₗ = B[k, l] - b̄ₖ - b̄ₗs[k] + b̄
            𝒱ₙ² += Aₖₗ * Bₖₗ
    𝒱ₙ² /= N^2

    return 𝒱ₙ²
distance_covariance(x::AbstractDataset) = distance_variance(x)

    distance_variance(x) → dvar::Real

Compute the empirical/sample distance variance (Székely et al., 2007)[^Székely2007]
for dataset `x`.

    Székely, G. J., Rizzo, M. L., & Bakirov, N. K. (2007). Measuring and testing
    dependence by correlation of distances. The annals of statistics, 35(6), 2769-2794.
function distance_variance(x::AbstractDataset)
    N = length(x)
    A = pairwise(Euclidean(), Dataset(x))
    āₖs = mean(A, dims = 1) # col-wise mean
    āₗs = mean(A, dims = 2) # row-wise mean
    ā = mean(A)
    𝒱ₙ² = 0.0
    for l = 1:N
        for k = 1:N
            Aₖₗ = A[k, l] - āₖs[l] - āₗs[k] + ā
            𝒱ₙ² += Aₖₗ^2
    𝒱ₙ² /= N^2

    return 𝒱ₙ²

    distance_correlation(x, y) → dcor ∈ [0, 1]

Compute the empirical/sample distance correlation (Székely et al., 2007)[^Székely2007],
here called `dcor`, between datasets `x` and `y`.

    Székely, G. J., Rizzo, M. L., & Bakirov, N. K. (2007). Measuring and testing
    dependence by correlation of distances. The annals of statistics, 35(6), 2769-2794.
function distance_correlation(X::AbstractDataset, Y::AbstractDataset)
    # TODO: Future optimization: this could be quicker if we only compute distances once
    # for X and once for Y. Currently, they are computed twice each.
    𝒱ₙ²xy = distance_covariance(X, Y)
    𝒱ₙ²x = distance_covariance(X)
    𝒱ₙ²y = distance_covariance(Y)

    if 𝒱ₙ²x * 𝒱ₙ²y > 0
        return sqrt(𝒱ₙ²xy / sqrt(𝒱ₙ²x * 𝒱ₙ²y))
        return 0.0

And some tests:

 using Test
 # Analytical tests
 a = Dataset(repeat([1], 100))
@test distance_variance(a) == 0.0
v = rand(1000, 3); w = 0.5 .* v .+ 1.2;
@test distance_correlation(v, w) ≈ 1.0

# Comparison with `energy` R package
x = -1.0:0.1:1.0
y = map(xᵢ -> xᵢ^3 - 2xᵢ^2 - 3, x)
dcov = distance_correlation(x, y)
@test round(dcov, digits = 3) == 0.673
kahaaga commented 1 year ago

Actually, this measure also comes in a conditional version, with an explicit conditional independence test (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01621459.2014.993081?casa_token=KcRYvET0K2IAAAAA%3AlsLIH_bGiF2hwbgjQANQ7D-RxDBQzS-BWMqDi2BQJCd0IVgL_mj2RZ9BUiBuHVxnFDfGIrZO14Uj).

Thus, I think it belongs in CausalityTools after all, so I'm closing this for now. The issue can be reopened if there are very good reasons for putting it here instead.