There's a test failure for PkgDeps when using Julia 1.8. It seems that the Pkg API changed a little bit, and the method used here to get a list of stdlib names no longer works.
In Julia 1.7, I get:
julia> Pkg.Types.stdlibs()
Dict{Base.UUID, String} with 58 entries:
UUID("efcefdf7-47ab-520b-bdef-62a2eaa19f15") => "PCRE2_jll"
UUID("745a5e78-f969-53e9-954f-d19f2f74f4e3") => "LibUnwind_jll"
# etc.
And in Julia 1.8, I get:
Dict{Base.UUID, Tuple{String, Union{Nothing, VersionNumber}}} with 58 entries:
UUID("efcefdf7-47ab-520b-bdef… => ("PCRE2_jll", v"10.40.0+0")
UUID("745a5e78-f969-53e9-954f… => ("LibUnwind_jll", v"1.5.0+0")
# etc.
There's a test failure for PkgDeps when using Julia 1.8. It seems that the Pkg API changed a little bit, and the method used here to get a list of stdlib names no longer works.
In Julia 1.7, I get:
And in Julia 1.8, I get: