JuliaEditorSupport / atom-language-julia

A Julia language support package for the Atom editor
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Different Standard Highlighting for Symbols? #75

Closed ChrisRackauckas closed 7 months ago

ChrisRackauckas commented 8 years ago


I think it would be helpful if the default highlighting for symbols was different from type annotations, functions, etc. As it stands, if you use some symbols, your whole code turns the same color (as seen in the picture).

pfitzseb commented 6 years ago

This is theme-dependent -- symbols are tokenized differently to function calls and types, but themes may display them however they want. Counterexample (srcery):


I suppose we could change our tokenization such that they are displayed differently with the default Atom syntax themes (one-dark, one-light), but that doesn't seem like a good idea to me.