JuliaEditorSupport / julia-textwrangler-bbedit

Julia syntax highlighting for Textwrangler and/or BBEdit
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Rename this repo #4

Closed davidanthoff closed 7 years ago

davidanthoff commented 8 years ago

If JuliaEditorSupport is the organization that houses support for many different editors, the repos in it should probably have the name of the editor in the repo name.

femtotrader commented 8 years ago

This repo should house support for many editors. A lot of code to automatically generate XML files can probably be shared. See original discussion https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/16637 Pinging @tkelman @ViralBShah @IainNZ

davidanthoff commented 8 years ago

Ah, sorry, didn't see that!

femtotrader commented 8 years ago

My pleasure. Feel free to help on this project also.

femtotrader commented 7 years ago

JuliaEditorSupport organization seems to take a different approach now.

One repository per editor.

So @davidanthoff , you are right we should rename this repository to julia-bbedit for example.

Pinging @tkelman @ViralBShah @IainNZ

tkelman commented 7 years ago

If this repo isn't effectively being used for multiple editor modes, then maybe naming more specifically would be preferable

davidanthoff commented 7 years ago

We are not using anything here for the VS Code extension. So I agree, renaming this repo seems to make sense to me.

oxinabox commented 7 years ago

I came here trying to find the notepad++ language description. Which used to be in JuliaLang/julia/contrib (or so I thought).

But actually it still is: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/master/contrib/Notepad%2B%2B_2_Julia.ahk https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/master/contrib/Julia_Notepad%2B%2B.xml

I still think getting all that out of /contrib is potentially worth doing. And putting it here. Though the repo could perhaps still be renamed: JuliaEditorSupportMisc or Extras or Contrib

femtotrader commented 7 years ago

Since there is no script to share code across several editors, I'm ok to rename this repository.

What about julia-textwrangler-bbedit or BBEditTextWrangler-julia?

An other repository need to be create for Notepad.

What about julia-notepad-plus-plus?

oxinabox commented 7 years ago

An other repository need to be create for Notepad.

Thing is, it is not just Notepad++

There are 6 editor supports still there.

And these are all 1 file + readme. Where as the other repos in the org are bigger, smarted things.

femtotrader commented 7 years ago

This repository is renamed julia-textwrangler-bbedit