JuliaEditorSupport / julia-vim

Vim support for Julia.
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Contextual highlighting of types #216

Closed fredrikekre closed 3 years ago

fredrikekre commented 3 years ago

One of the things I noticed when switching over to vim from sublime was the (non-)highlighting of types. I recently updated the highlight.js syntax highlighter to recognize a bit more stuff, see https://fredrikekre.se/posts/highlight-julia/ where one of the things was to highlight types based on the context (https://fredrikekre.se/posts/highlight-julia/#contextual_highlighting_of_types). I think this works great and I think the same should be done for this plugin.

This was previously discussed in https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/julia-vim/issues/173 but I think it might be good to reconsider this.