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Better interaction between LaTeX to Unicode and deoplete (completion plugins in general) #242

Closed carlobaldassi closed 3 years ago

carlobaldassi commented 3 years ago

Since deoplete triggers the CompleteDone event all the time, the plugin was often being aborted mid-completion. This manages CompleteDone by inserting an autocommand only when the completion has started, and it triggers its own removal at the end.

Hopefully it works better with other similar completion plugins like YouCompleteMe etc.

Should fix #238. Might help with #224.

carlobaldassi commented 3 years ago

@ExpandingMan could you check if this fixes your issues? It seems to work in my tests, but the space of configurations of deoplete is enormous...

ExpandingMan commented 3 years ago

It's hard to do a comprehensive test since the problem was so intermittent in the first place, but from what I can tell so far, this seems to completely solve the problem for me! This is awesome, thanks!