JuliaEditorSupport / julia-vim

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Add syntax highlighting to boadcast function #244

Closed driesbenoit closed 3 years ago

driesbenoit commented 3 years ago

Proper syntax highlighting for broadcast function (currently dot-syntax is not recognized as function name), e.g.:


Note, in order to see these changes, you have to enable function and operator highlighting. This can be done, for example, by creating a file ~/.vim/after/syntax/julia.vim containing the following lines:

" Highlight function
:hi link juliaFunctionCall Identifier
" Highlight Operators in red
:hi Operator guifg=Red ctermfg=Red
carlobaldassi commented 3 years ago

Thanks for pointing this out, I fixed both issues in an alternative way (272935f6c2c7b01278756735c2d6fff5e5b65553 and f4cdfd5f8a90ee45ba2051b1148fab141d6299cb).