JuliaEditorSupport / julia-vim

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[Feature Request] Unicode Tab Completion in Julia Markdown Files #274

Closed TheCedarPrince closed 2 years ago

TheCedarPrince commented 2 years ago

Hi Julia-Vim creators - this is an absolutely wonderful package and a real treat to work with! I have been using it everyday for over a year and frankly, this is an immensely reliable plugin and I super appreciate the work and constant updates to it.

A request that I have, and I do not know how difficult it is of an ask, is to enable unicode tab completion within Julia Markdown files. I saw that we have support for .jmd files now and have been using these daily for work and other projects (i.e. #237). I use unicode tab completion easily in my .jl files, but miss the ability to do it in .jmd. Would this be a feature you could add?


~ tcp 🌳

carlobaldassi commented 2 years ago

Hi and thanks. The unicode tab completion functionality can be enabled in any filetype you want. For example

let g:latex_to_unicode_file_types = ["julia", "markdown"]

See more about how this works with :help julia-vim-L2U-file-types. You can even set it up to work on all file types by default with a few exceptions (this is what I do), and also activate/it deactivate it on the fly regardless of the file type. Feel free to ask here if something's unclear or missing.