JuliaEditorSupport / julia-vim

Vim support for Julia.
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`ftplugin` not loaded? #306

Closed cmichelenstrofer closed 1 year ago

cmichelenstrofer commented 1 year ago

I noticed that whatever I put in .vim/after/ftplugin has no effect. E.g. I tried putting in setlocal textwidth=92, but inside a *.jl file :set textwidth? returns 0. I tried putting the setting directly in.vim/pack/plugins/start/julia-vim/ftplugin/julia.vim and still no effect. Any idea what is going on? I found this problem when trying to follow the recommended settings in BlueStyle, see invenia/BlueStyle#109. Thanks!

cmichelenstrofer commented 1 year ago

Figured it out. Need to put filetype plugin on in my .vimrc file.