JuliaFinance / Countries.jl

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Using DataPackage.jl #2

Open femtotrader opened 5 years ago

femtotrader commented 5 years ago


Following https://github.com/JuliaFinance/Roadmap/issues/6 ...

Instead of having raw data inside src/data directory of https://github.com/JuliaFinance/Countries.jl/ repository we should use DataPackage.jl (and have a kind of local cache mechanism).

Unfortunately DataPackage.jl is not yet released.

Pinging @loleg @serahrono @pwalsh

Kind regards

PS : same as https://github.com/JuliaFinance/Currencies.jl/issues/2

loleg commented 5 years ago

@femtotrader thanks a lot for the ping! Fuel for the 🔥 ... Can you already try taking advantage of the library in the current form, are there specific features you need, or do you just want it to be released & ready?

femtotrader commented 5 years ago

I'm not the original author of neither Countries.jl nor Currencies.jl (@EricForgy is the author) but I think having DataPackage.jl published could help a lot.

But a cache mechanism is an important feature to have. It should avoid data to be downloaded several times.

Maybe RemoteFiles.jl could be used or a custom solution be implemented.

loleg commented 5 years ago

OK, that makes sense. The remaining features that are still incomplete are related to offline storage.

I would also suggest taking a look at TableSchema.jl which is published, implements core parts of the standard, and could be a starting point for you to make use of the libraries.

vchuravy commented 2 years ago

Or at least Artifacts so that PkgEval can cache the data https://s3.amazonaws.com/julialang-reports/nanosoldier/pkgeval/by_hash/12b9a1b_vs_7b62896/Countries.1.8.0-DEV-51ec3f15d15.log