JuliaGNI / GeometricIntegrators.jl

Geometric Numerical Integration in Julia
MIT License
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Improve docstrings #107

Open ranocha opened 3 years ago

ranocha commented 3 years ago

Some docstrings are not really helpful, e.g.

julia> using GeometricIntegrators
help?> Integrator
search: Integrator Integrators IntegratorRK IntegratorERK IntegratorIPRK IntegratorFLRK IntegratorFIRK

  Print error for integrators not implemented, yet.


  Create integrator for explicit Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for fully implicit Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for explicit partitioned Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for implicit partitioned Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for variational partitioned Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for formal Lagrangian Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for Projected Gauss-Legendre Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for variational partitioned additive Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for special partitioned additive Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for variational special partitioned additive Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for variational special partitioned additive Runge-Kutta tableau with projection on primary


  Create integrator for variational special partitioned additive Runge-Kutta tableau with projection on
  secondary constraint.


  Create integrator for Hamiltonian partitioned additive Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for Hamiltonian special partitioned additive Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for Hamiltonian special partitioned additive Runge-Kutta tableau with projection on primary


  Create integrator for splitting tableau.


  Create integrator for stochastic explicit Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for weak explicit Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for stochastic fully implicit Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for stochastic fully implicit partitioned Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for stochastic fully implicit split partitioned Runge-Kutta tableau.


  Create integrator for weak fully implicit Runge-Kutta tableau.

help?> integrate
search: integrate integrate! integrate_step! IntegratorERK IntegratorEPRK IntegratorExactODE

  Apply integrator for ntime time steps and return solution.


  Integrate given equation with given tableau for ntime time steps and return solution.


  Integrate ODE specified by vector field and initial condition with given tableau for ntime time steps and
  return solution.


  Integrate PODE specified by two vector fields and initial conditions with given tableau for ntime time steps
  and return solution.

help?> TableauExplicitEuler
search: TableauExplicitEuler TableauExplicitMidpoint

  Tableau for explicit Euler method

I still don't know how to call the corresponding methods.

michakraus commented 3 years ago

I updated the docstrings for


to make them somewhat more useful. There's still quite some room for improvement though...

michakraus commented 3 years ago

I also added constructor descriptions to the docstrings of the tableaus in RungeKutta.jl.