JuliaGPU / Adapt.jl

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Recursive adapt #17

Closed maleadt closed 4 years ago

maleadt commented 5 years ago

Users seem to expect Adapt to work recursively, e.g. https://discourse.julialang.org/t/using-vectors-of-vectors-with-cuarrays/, to adapt arrays of arrays:

julia> vx
3-element Array{Array{Float64,1},1}

julia> cu(vx)
ERROR: type does not have a fixed size
# this should be a better error

julia> cu(cu.(vx))
3-element CuArray{CuArray{Float32,1},1}

Since we do already treat tuples recursively, e.g. cu(([1],)) yields a tuple of CuArray, maybe we should also peek into arrays? It gets hairy real quickly though, so maybe just support arrays of arrays?

Thoughts? @vchuravy @MikeInnes

MikeInnes commented 5 years ago

There are two quite different cases that come up here: (1), you want to move all the arrays in a collection / data structure to the GPU, and (2) you want to move the "whole object" to the GPU (as in your example).

(1) is likely what the users in that thread want, since you typically create a series of (flat) GPU arrays as data points in Flux, and iterate over them on the CPU (i.e. Vector{CuVector{Float32}}. That's also what we provide mapleaves(cu, x) for, so that seems like it's covered.

I think cu should stick to working with the "single object" interpretation, (2), which in this case means producing the nested CuArray as you describe or otherwise erroring out. My main reservation is that it might be confusing or slow for people who actually want (1) (which IME so far is 100% of the time).

Tuples are a bit weird, but I'd argue that Tuple{CuArray} can be interpreted both as (1) "cpu tuple of gpu arrays" and (2) "gpu tuple of arrays", which makes it legitimate that both cu and mapleaves(cu) do the same thing in that case. In other cases – like arrays of arrays – they won't behave the same.

maleadt commented 4 years ago

Right, I didn't realize Flux/users wanted Array{CuArray} so was only considering the case where you'd get an CuArray{CuArray}. In that case, the existing mapleaves abstraction seems fine. Having cu do that automatically seems confusing to me, because e.g. the behavior of adapting a container would then depend on the adaptability of its elements. I'll open an issue on CuArrays to improve the error message.