JuliaGPU / CUDA.jl

CUDA programming in Julia.
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Support CUDA 12.5 #2392

Closed maleadt closed 1 month ago

maleadt commented 1 month ago

CI failure is due to CUPTI apparently not working properly in a certain order of tests being executed on a single worker. I'm investigating...

maleadt commented 1 month ago

Two (probably related) MWEs:

using CUDA

dummy() = return

sass = sprint(io->CUDA.code_sass(io, dummy, Tuple{}))
@assert occursin(".text._Z5dummy", sass)

@cuda identity(nothing)

str = string(CUDA.@profile @cuda identity(nothing))
@assert occursin("cuLaunchKernel", str)
@assert occursin("_Z8identityv", str)
using CUDA

dummy() = return

sass = sprint(io->CUDA.code_sass(io, dummy, Tuple{}))
@assert occursin(".text._Z5dummy", sass)

@cuda dummy()

sass = sprint(io->@device_code_sass io=io @cuda dummy())
@assert occursin(".text._Z5dummy", sass)

Looks like CUPTI is broken again (but differently) on 12.5.