JuliaGPU / CUDA.jl

CUDA programming in Julia.
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CI: Use dynamic pipelines #2405

Open maleadt opened 1 month ago

maleadt commented 1 month ago

The pipeline configuration is getting a little complicated, especially the if clauses to support skip/only statements. It's probably time to move to a dynamic pipeline generator so that we can select tests based on the contents of a PR, e.g., skip testing (or only test) only cuDNN when modifying lib/cudnn. We should probably only do this when the PR is marked as a draft PR, and opt to run all tests when marking ready for review.

In addition, because creating draft PRs is something most authors forget, we should probably use a label for this instead.

vchuravy commented 1 month ago

The Yggdrasil pipeline could probably be used for inspiration,

as an example forerunner is used to launch a dynamic pipeline based on what code as touched.
