JuliaGPU / Metal.jl

Metal programming in Julia
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`MTL.append_copy!` silently ignores Metal documentation restriction #349

Open christiangnrd opened 1 month ago

christiangnrd commented 1 month ago

It is stated here that the buffer offsets and buffer size need to be multiples of 4 in MacOS.

MTL.append_copy! which calls copyFromBuffer does not impose such a limitation, but it also seems to work for offsets and sizes that are not multiples of 4. I suspect this limitation onlyexists for non-apple-silicon GPUs, which we don't support, but I don't know how to verify that.

How should we handle this?

maleadt commented 1 month ago

Maybe ask the question on https://developer.apple.com/forums/? There's some devs and employees active there.

christiangnrd commented 1 month ago

I get redirected to a "Page not found" whenever I try to sign in or post. I'll try again in a few days.