JuliaGPU / NCCL.jl

A Julia wrapper for the NVIDIA Collective Communications Library.
MIT License
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Complex number wrapper #56

Open nikopj opened 1 week ago

nikopj commented 1 week ago

NCCL does not support complex numbers directly and does not plan to (see issue). Are we willing to add a wrapper to NCCL.jl to make using complex numbers more convienient? Alternatively, the wrapper could be put in a higher level package (ex. Lux.jl, see issue). I am happy to start working on this but would like some feedback if possible. My primary motivation is using neural networks with complex valued weights and this feature would greatly simplify things.

maleadt commented 1 week ago

I'm not a user of NCCL.jl myself, so cc @avik-pal @simonbyrne.

avik-pal commented 1 week ago

I am honestly okay with either.

I suggested opening this issue because having it here makes it easier for downstream libraries (other than Lux when/if they want to use NCCL).

But if we want to keep this NCCL.jl wrapper simple and provide functionality nccl natively provides, we can implement this in Lux.

Let's wait for @simonbyrne's opinion. Since he did most of the work getting this package back to life.

simonbyrne commented 1 week ago

That seems fine. Note that you don't want to use reim/complex though, instead just take advantage of the fact that complex arrays are packed the same as real arrays, but with twice as many elements.

I think the easiest solution:

simonbyrne commented 1 week ago

Maybe don't tie it to CuArray either, as NCCL should also work with unified memory.