JuliaGaussianProcesses / AbstractGPs.jl

Abstract types and methods for Gaussian Processes.
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Unecessary computation for `FiniteGP` #232

Closed cscherrer closed 1 year ago

cscherrer commented 2 years ago

Say you're using GPs in a PPL. The setup might be something like

julia> using AbstractGPs

julia> X = randn(20, 1);

julia> ydist = GP(Matern32Kernel())(RowVecs(X));

Then in Soss or Turing, you might have y ~ ydist.

Digging into the AbstractGPs code, it looks like both rand and logpdf end up doing

m, C_mat = mean_and_cov(ydist)  # `f` in the code
C = cholesky(_symmetric(C_mat))

Since none of this depends on the actual data, it could be computed once and reused many times during inference. As it is, this adds lots of overhead at each iteration. Is there a reason not to do it this way?

devmotion commented 2 years ago

It's not necessary to compute it if you don't call rand or logpdf :shrug:

One approach that doesn't touch the structure of FiniteGP would be to add a method MvNormal(::FiniteGP) that returns the corresponding MvNormal distribution which could then be used instead of FiniteGP if you don't want to recompute the cholesky decomposition, e.g., if you call rand or logpdf multiple times.

cscherrer commented 2 years ago

It's not necessary to compute it if you don't call rand or logpdf shrug

One approach that doesn't touch the structure of FiniteGP would be to add a method MvNormal(::FiniteGP) that returns the corresponding MvNormal distribution which could then be used instead of FiniteGP if you don't want to recompute the cholesky decomposition, e.g., if you call rand or logpdf multiple times.

Ooh, I like that. Maybe we have a @require in MeasureTheory that adds the MvNormal method. Then we can use the faster representation too, should work out great!

cscherrer commented 2 years ago

It's not necessary to compute it if you don't call rand or logpdf shrug

Just to be sure I understand, what else would you do with a FiniteGP? I can think of kernel composition, but doesn't that come before this? Maybe there are other operations?

devmotion commented 2 years ago

E.g., it is not required if you compute the marginals. Or more generally just the mean and covariance matrix.

Maybe we have a @require in MeasureTheory that adds the MvNormal method

I don't think this should be done, this would be type piracy (and use Requires...). It belongs into AbstractGPs if we think it is a good idea.

cscherrer commented 2 years ago

Is it clear that I'm talking about MeasureTheory.MvNormal? Not seeing the type piracy here. Though having AbstractGPs use MeasureTheory would be great if you're open to that

devmotion commented 2 years ago

Haha, my suggestion was Distributions.MvNormal since FiniteGP is already a subtype of Distributions.AbstractMvNormal :smile:

willtebbutt commented 2 years ago

Just to be sure I understand, what else would you do with a FiniteGP? I can think of kernel composition, but doesn't that come before this? Maybe there are other operations?

There are a number of scenarios in which ways to compute logpdf, rand, posterior etc don't utilise the covariance matrix directly. For example, TemporalGPs.jl never computes any covariance matrices, but implements logpdf, rand, posterior, etc.

cscherrer commented 2 years ago

Haha, my suggestion was Distributions.MvNormal since FiniteGP is already a subtype of Distributions.AbstractMvNormal smile

Right, I'd want to get to the fast implementation in MultivariateMeasures.jl, and avoid type piracy :)

But come to think of it, maybe it should just be MeasureTheory.MvNormal(::Distributions.AbstractMvNormal). Then I wouldn't need Requires.

BTW, is there a way to avoid using PDMats? I'd rather allow positive semidefinite coavariance.

There are a number of scenarios in which ways to compute logpdf, rand, posterior etc don't utilise the covariance matrix directly. For example, TemporalGPs.jl never computes any covariance matrices, but implements logpdf, rand, posterior, etc.

Interesting, does it need to avoid using FiniteGP to do that?

devmotion commented 2 years ago

BTW, is there a way to avoid using PDMats? I'd rather allow positive semidefinite coavariance.

You can use PSDMat in https://github.com/invenia/PDMatsExtras.jl.

willtebbutt commented 2 years ago

Interesting, does it need to avoid using FiniteGP to do that?

Nah, it has precisely the same API as usual (a big motivation for the design). We just write specialisations like

logpdf(::FiniteGP{<:MySpecialGPType}, ::AbstractVector{<:Real})
rand(::AbstractRNG, ::FiniteGP{<:MySpecialGPType})
posterior(::FiniteGP{<:MySpecialGPType}, ::AbstractVector{<:Real})


cscherrer commented 2 years ago

That makes sense, thanks. The "abstract" part of AbstractGPs wasn't really clear to me - how to overload, etc :)

theogf commented 2 years ago

@willtebbutt wrote a really good introduction to the design in the docs but we should probably point to it much more in the README,

cscherrer commented 2 years ago

I think I had seen that before, but it's been a while. I should definitely have another look

st-- commented 2 years ago

In any case, should we add a convert(Distributions.MvNormal, ::FiniteGP)? I'd be happy with that:)

devmotion commented 2 years ago

Oh, I completely forgot that I had made a draft locally during the discussion last week. I'll open a PR.

willtebbutt commented 1 year ago

I believe that this is basically sorted, so am going to close. Please re-open if you feel otherwise.