JuliaGaussianProcesses / AbstractGPs.jl

Abstract types and methods for Gaussian Processes.
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Conflict between Zygote and AbstractGPs #394

Closed jmbyars closed 6 months ago

jmbyars commented 6 months ago

I am trying to replicate the Mauna Loa example from AbstractGP (https://juliagaussianprocesses.github.io/AbstractGPs.jl/stable/examples/1-mauna-loa/) line by line. However, I keep getting the following error when trying to use the L-BFGS optimization that the example recommends.

default_optimizer = LBFGS(;
    alphaguess=Optim.LineSearches.InitialStatic(; scaled=true),

function optimize_loss(loss, θ_init; optimizer=default_optimizer, maxiter=1_000)
    options = Optim.Options(; iterations=maxiter, show_trace=true)

    θ_flat_init, unflatten = ParameterHandling.value_flatten(θ_init)
    loss_packed = loss ∘ unflatten

    # https://julianlsolvers.github.io/Optim.jl/stable/#user/tipsandtricks/#avoid-repeating-computations
    function fg!(F, G, x)
        if F !== nothing && G !== nothing
            val, grad = Zygote.withgradient(loss_packed, x)
            G .= only(grad)
            return val
        elseif G !== nothing
            grad = Zygote.gradient(loss_packed, x)
            G .= only(grad)
            return nothing
        elseif F !== nothing
            return loss_packed(x)

    result = optimize(Optim.only_fg!(fg!), θ_flat_init, optimizer, options; inplace=false)

    return unflatten(result.minimizer), result

θ_opt, opt_result = optimize_loss(loss, θ_init)

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching AbstractGPs.FiniteGP(::GP{AbstractGPs.ZeroMean{Float64}, KernelSum{Tuple{ScaledKernel{TransformedKernel{SqExponentialKernel{Distances.Euclidean}, ScaleTransform{Float64}}, Float64}, KernelProduct{Tuple{TransformedKernel{SqExponentialKernel{Distances.Euclidean}, ChainTransform{Tuple{PeriodicTransform{Vector{Float64}}, ScaleTransform{Float64}}}}, ScaledKernel{TransformedKernel{SqExponentialKernel{Distances.Euclidean}, ScaleTransform{Float64}}, Float64}}}, ScaledKernel{TransformedKernel{RationalQuadraticKernel{Float64, Distances.Euclidean}, ScaleTransform{Float64}}, Float64}, ScaledKernel{TransformedKernel{SqExponentialKernel{Distances.Euclidean}, ScaleTransform{Float64}}, Float64}, ScaledKernel{WhiteKernel, Float64}}}}, ::Float64)

Do you all have any advice on fixing this issue?

willtebbutt commented 6 months ago

Hi @jmbyars , thanks for opening this issue.

This seems to be fine when I try it locally using my own data. Could you please turn your example into a MWE that we can run which reproduces your issue?

simsurace commented 6 months ago

Also, it would be nice to have the output of ]st --manifest in the environment in which you are running this.

simsurace commented 6 months ago

On a related note, we should bump the version and release #390. @jmby did you try to run the example on AbstractGPs#master?

simsurace commented 6 months ago

Ok, there is now a new release v0.5.20 with the newest version of the example.

jmbyars commented 6 months ago

@simsurace thank you for this. Upgrading to v.0.5.20 lets me run the example.