JuliaGaussianProcesses / AbstractGPs.jl

Abstract types and methods for Gaussian Processes.
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Examples / Docs TODO #95

Open willtebbutt opened 3 years ago

willtebbutt commented 3 years ago

@theogf pointed out here that we've got some missing examples, and @devmotion pointed out that some consolidation / extension of our existing examples would be helpful. Moreover, we've known for a while that there's stuff that needs to be better documented (e.g. how to handle multi-dimensional inputs). It makes sense to tackle these in the same issue so that we have a vaguely joined up approach to our examples + docs.

Below is a very incomplete list, please feel free to extend below, and I'll add them to this list (or add them directly yourself if GH allows that... I have no idea whether it does or not).

theogf commented 3 years ago

Maybe as a (small) addition would be to create notebooks via Literate.jl and display them with nbviewer + having a notebook on binder. I think @devmotion did something similar for one of his package and I did the same for AGP.jl

willtebbutt commented 3 years ago

This sounds like a good idea. I guess this would be straightforward, since we've been writing our examples using Literate anyway, right?

willtebbutt commented 3 years ago

Another thing that we might consider doing is provide examples that use ParameterHandling.jl and Functors.jl interface.

willtebbutt commented 2 years ago

I've closed #30 because it went stale. @thomasgudjonwright volunteered to take a look at the general problem of docs for MOGP some time next month (hopefully). @sharanry if you get time to revive #30, please do -- we remain keen to improve the MOGP docs.