JuliaGeo / GeometryOps.jl

GeoInterface-based geometry operations
MIT License
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Extent checks in polygon set operations #208

Open asinghvi17 opened 2 days ago

asinghvi17 commented 2 days ago

It occurs to me that we don't actually have these yet, would be good to do. They are implemented for DE-9IM ops (contains, within, disjoint, intersects, etc) but not for intersection, difference, and union.

rafaqz commented 2 days ago

Yes this will be most of the performance improvement we need for clipping

alex-s-gardner commented 2 days ago

Here's an example of how big of difference can be, ogr2ogr takes 3 seconds to clip and reproject, I gave up on timing GeometryOps :

using Shapefile
    import GeometryOps as GO
    import GeoInterface as GI
    import GeoFormatTypes as GFT
    using DataFrames
    using GDAL

    # link to Shapefile used in this issue
    # https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NeKbo_tiaiyAnd15QLN2mqzt-oPuWan3/view?usp=sharing

    # update once you've downloaded the file locally 
    path2shp_local =  "/mnt/bylot-r3/data/vector_files/not_ocean.shp"

    # define some helper functions
    function clip_or_empty(polygon, clipper)
        if GO.contains(polygon, clipper) # early return if polygon is completely inside clipper
            return GO.tuples(polygon)::Union{GI.Polygon,GI.MultiPolygon}

        if GO.disjoint(polygon, clipper) # early return if polygon is completely outside clipper
            null_point = GI.is3d(polygon) ? (GI.ismeasured(polygon) ? (NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN) : (NaN, NaN, NaN)) : (NaN, NaN)
            contents = [GI.LinearRing([null_point, null_point, null_point])]
            return GO.tuples(GI.Polygon{GI.is3d(polygon),GI.ismeasured(polygon),typeof(contents),Nothing, typeof(GI.crs(polygon))}(contents, nothing, GI.crs(polygon)))

        result = GO.intersection(polygon, clipper; target = GI.PolygonTrait())
        if isempty(result)
            null_point = GI.is3d(polygon) ? (GI.ismeasured(polygon) ? (NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN) : (NaN, NaN, NaN)) : (NaN, NaN)
            contents = [GI.LinearRing([null_point, null_point, null_point])]
            return GO.tuples(GI.Polygon{GI.is3d(polygon),GI.ismeasured(polygon),typeof(contents),Nothing, typeof(GI.crs(polygon))}(contents, nothing, GI.crs(polygon)))
            return (GI.MultiPolygon(result; crs = GI.crs(polygon)))
        # return GO.intersection(GO.GEOS(), polygon, clipper)

    function bounds2rectangle(xbounds, ybounds)
        rectangle = GI.Wrappers.Polygon([[(xbounds[1], ybounds[1]), (xbounds[1], ybounds[2]), (xbounds[2], ybounds[2]), (xbounds[2], ybounds[1]), (xbounds[1], ybounds[1])]])
        return rectangle

    path2shp_local = "/mnt/bylot-r3/data/vector_files/not_ocean.shp"
    shpfile_out = replace(path2shp_local, ".shp" => "_nh.shp")

    xmin = -179.99940500651084
    ymin = -65.51457469986777
    xmax = 179.98590403156888
    ymax = -51.16025312702513
    clipper = bounds2rectangle((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax))

    @time GDAL.ogr2ogr_path() do ogr2ogr # 3s
        run(`$ogr2ogr -clipsrc $xmin $ymin $xmax $ymax -t_srs EPSG:3031 $shpfile_out $path2shp_local`)
        feature = DataFrame(Shapefile.Table(shpfile_out));

    @time begin # this takes too long to time
        feature = DataFrame(Shapefile.Table(path2shp_local));
        # clipping along equator is MUCH faster than clipping box
        feature.geometry = clip_or_empty.(feature.geometry, (clipper,));
        feature = feature[.!isnothing.(feature.geometry),:];
        feature.geometry = GO.reproject(feature.geometry; target_crs = GFT.EPSG(3031), source_crs = GFT.EPSG(4326));