JuliaGeodynamics / LaMEM.jl

Julia interface to LaMEM (Lithosphere and Mantle Evolution Model)
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Create LaMEM setups directly from Julia #8

Closed boriskaus closed 1 year ago

boriskaus commented 1 year ago

This allows creating LaMEM setups directly from Julia, rather than using an existing *.dat file. It also allows developing (and plotting) LaMEM setups from Pluto notebooks.

You start with creating a basic model setup:

julia> model  = Model(Grid(nel=(16,16,16), x=[-1,1], y=[-1,1], z=[-1,1]))
LaMEM Model setup
|-- Scaling             :  GeoParams.Units.GeoUnits{GEO}
|-- Grid                :  nel=(16, 16, 16); xϵ(-1.0, 1.0), yϵ(-1.0, 1.0), zϵ(-1.0, 1.0) 
|-- Time                :  nstep_max=50; nstep_out=1; time_end=1.0; dt=0.05
|-- Boundary conditions :  noslip=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
|-- Solution parameters :  eta_min=1.0e18; eta_max=1.0e25; eta_ref=1.0e20; act_temp_diff=0
|-- Solver options      :  direct solver; superlu_dist; penalty term=10000.0
|-- Model setup options :  Type=files; 
|-- Output options      :  filename=output; pvd=1; avd=0; surf=0
|-- Materials           :  0 phases; 

Add materials to the setup:

julia> matrix = Phase(ID=0,Name="matrix",eta=1e20,rho=3000);
julia> sphere = Phase(ID=1,Name="sphere",eta=1e23,rho=3200)
Phase 1 (sphere): 
  rho    = 3200.0 
  eta    = 1.0e23 
julia> add_phase!(model, sphere, matrix)

Create an initial geometry using the GeophysicalModelGenerator interface:

julia> AddSphere!(model,cen=(0.0,0.0,0.0), radius=(0.5, ))

and run the simulation in parallel:

julia> run_lamem(model,2)
Saved file: Model3D.vts
Writing LaMEM marker file -> ./markers/mdb.00000000.dat
                   Lithosphere and Mantle Evolution Model                   
     Compiled: Date: Apr  7 2023 - Time: 22:11:23           
     Version : 1.2.4 
Parsing input file : output.dat 
Finished parsing input file : output.dat 
Scaling parameters:
   Temperature : 1000. [C/K] 
   Length      : 1e+06 [m] 
   Viscosity   : 1e+20 [Pa*s] 
   Stress      : 10. [Pa] 
Time stepping parameters:
   Simulation end time          : 100. [Myr] 
   Maximum number of steps      : 20 
   Time step                    : 1. [Myr] 
   Minimum time step            : 0.001 [Myr] 
   Maximum time step            : 10. [Myr] 
   Time step increase factor    : 0.1 
   CFL criterion                : 0.5 
   CFLMAX (fixed time steps)    : 0.8 
   Output every [n] steps       : 1 
   Output [n] initial steps     : 1 

You can do the same using Pluto notebooks. See the examples and help for more info.