JuliaGeometry / CoordinateTransformations.jl

A fresh approach to coordinate transformations...
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Typed transformations #19

Open c42f opened 7 years ago

c42f commented 7 years ago

Back in #1 we decided that Transformation was agnostic about input and output coordinate types. I still think this was the right thing, but sometimes you may want a bit more checking of the input and output types. This is perfectly possible when creating a custom Transformation functor, but it would be nice to be able to reuse the composition and inverse rules of existing types like AffineMap and LinearMap.

andyferris commented 7 years ago

I'm wondering if our earlier attempt at having AbstactAffineTransformation as an interface and a set of abstract types (or perhaps traits?) would let us resolve this.

c42f commented 7 years ago

Perhaps something like this would work...

type TypedTransformation{OutType,IntermediateType,InType,WrappedTrans}

function (trans::TypedTransformation{OutType,IntermediateType,InType}){OutType,IntermediateType,InType}(x::InType)

function compose{Out,Intermed,InOut,In}(t1::TypedTransformation{Out,Intermed,InOut}, t2::TypedTransformation{InOut,Intermed,In})
    TypedTransformation{Out,Intermed,In}(ComposedTransformation(t1, t2))
andyferris commented 7 years ago

Hmmm... interesting. The call function can be achieved as a ComposedTransformation already - the trick here is the compose implementation.

IntermediateType is rather interesting... it doesn't necessarily have to be a type for all this to work, e.g. if InType and OutType are AbstractVector and WrappedTrans is AffineTransformation then we are OK if IntermediateType = identity. Possibly suggests a reordering of the type-params with a default IntermediateType.

All very interesting! Can you see this working for nonlinear transformations? (I.e. things which aren't wrapped AffineMaps?) If not, maybe we just want to implement TypedAffineMap, TypedLinearMap and TypedTranslation.

c42f commented 7 years ago

Can you see this working for nonlinear transformations

For generic differential geometry you're probably transforming between different coordinate systems (for a shared patch of a manifold), and probably want a single coordinate type say PointCoord for concrete (but coordinate system independent) representation of points.

If we then chose to specially name a particular subset of coordinate systems for convenience or type safety, we lift some information into the type domain. To me this is quite generic and shouldn't be restricted to affine transformations.

To be more concrete, I'd say this is exactly what we're doing with the motivation behind this (ie, defining NED, ENU frames etc): we've chosen to bless certain of the coordinate system information available to us by putting it in the type system.

andyferris commented 7 years ago

Sorry... how does PointCoord work? Is this like PointCoord{UTM} or something? Or

immutable PointCoord{T <: Tuple}

where T just mimics the fields of some actual type and PointCoord is internal?

c42f commented 7 years ago

All I'm getting at is something like FixedSizeArrays.Point: a type for representing the generic position of a point on some manifold, in some coordinate system. Not that I really know what Point is I guess - I'm not sure we decide whether there was something implicitly affine there, or that it was a general coordinate type.

I chose the naming PointCoord rather than Point to emphasize that this is just the coordinates of a point in a coordinate system, not the abstract point on the manifold itself. (I know, I know, choosing a coordinate system is probably the only practical way to represent a point on a computer. The confusion is that the same mathematical point on the manifold has multiple representations, one from each coordinate system... not sure how to model this nicely.)