JuliaGeometry / DelaunayTriangulation.jl

Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi tessellations in two dimensions.
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Thoughts for 3D Delaunay tetrahedralisations #139

Closed DanielVandH closed 1 month ago

DanielVandH commented 1 month ago

Delaunay tetrahedralisations are a long way off but it would be nice to get it eventually. The development would probably be similar to how this package has gone so far for 2D. In particular, it would look something like

I have no use for Voronoi tessellations, but they fit in here somewhere too. Shewchuk's book has some good references. These ideas also give way for e.g. surface triangulations. I don't think I would ever intend on implementing curve-bounded domains in 3D, I don't want to go through that headache again.. point location is hard enough.

(I'll note that this issue is in no way an indication of this being actively worked on, but more just for tracking thoughts/ideas about the problem. Use TetGen.jl if you need 3D in the interim.)