JuliaGeometry / Meshes.jl

Computational geometry in Julia
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Algorithms from geodesic geometry #989

Open disberd opened 1 month ago

disberd commented 1 month ago

I am trying to do some benchmarks to improve the performance of sideof (see #988), and I found method errors very early with the following example, probably caused by missing methods for sideof:

using Meshes, GeoArtifacts

dmn = NaturalEarth.get("admin_0_countries", 110).geometry
point_nemo = Point(LatLon(βˆ’48.8767,βˆ’123.3933))

point_nemo in dmn

This throws a first error

ERROR: TypeError: in typeassert, expected Integer, got a value of type Unitful.Quantity{Float64, 𝐋, Unitful.FreeUnits{(m,), 𝐋, nothing}}
 [1] _similar_shape(itr::Base.Generator{Point{🌐, GeodeticLatLon{…}}, Meshes.var"#309#310"{Box{…}}}, ::Base.HasLength)
   @ Base ./array.jl:652
 [2] collect(itr::Base.Generator{Point{🌐, GeodeticLatLon{…}}, Meshes.var"#309#310"{Box{…}}})
   @ Base ./array.jl:779
 [3] sideof(points::Point{🌐, GeodeticLatLon{…}}, object::MultiRing{🌐, GeodeticLatLon{…}, Ring{…}})
   @ Meshes ~/.julia/packages/Meshes/FJ9DT/src/sideof.jl:163
 [4] in
   @ ~/.julia/packages/Meshes/FJ9DT/src/predicates/in.jl:10 [inlined]
 [5] (::Meshes.var"#280#281"{Point{…}})(e::PolyArea{🌐, GeodeticLatLon{…}, Ring{…}, Vector{…}})
   @ Meshes ~/.julia/packages/Meshes/FJ9DT/src/predicates/in.jl:160
 [6] _any(f::Meshes.var"#280#281"{Point{…}}, itr::GeometrySet{🌐, GeodeticLatLon{…}, Geometry{…}}, ::Colon)
   @ Base ./reduce.jl:1237
 [7] any
   @ ./reduce.jl:1228 [inlined]
 [8] in(p::Point{🌐, GeodeticLatLon{…}}, d::GeometrySet{🌐, GeodeticLatLon{…}, Geometry{…}})
   @ Meshes ~/.julia/packages/Meshes/FJ9DT/src/predicates/in.jl:160
 [9] top-level scope
   @ REPL[26]:1
Some type information was truncated. Use `show(err)` to see complete types.

which is caused by this fallback method not working when a single Point is provided: https://github.com/JuliaGeometry/Meshes.jl/blob/c0c9c2d142a4abc3526cfc33f7b4fc0f00ef3830/src/sideof.jl#L161-L168

This can be easily fixed by creating a method for the single point that just wraps it in an iterable (here in the REPL for simplicity)

julia> @eval Meshes sideof(p::Point, obj::GeometryOrDomain) = sideof((p,), obj)

After fixing that method, another error appears though

 julia> point_nemo in dmn                                                                                            
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching sidewithinbox(::Vector{Point{…}}, ::MultiRing{🌐, GeodeticLatLon{…}, Ring{…}})                                                                                                                   The function `sidewithinbox` exists, but no method is defined for this combination of argument types.

Closest candidates are:
  sidewithinbox(::Any, ::Mesh)
   @ Meshes ~/.julia/packages/Meshes/FJ9DT/src/sideof.jl:172
  sidewithinbox(::Any, ::Ring)
   @ Meshes ~/.julia/packages/Meshes/FJ9DT/src/sideof.jl:170

 [1] sideof(points::Tuple{Point{…}}, object::MultiRing{🌐, GeodeticLatLon{…}, Ring{…}})
   @ Meshes ~/.julia/packages/Meshes/FJ9DT/src/sideof.jl:166
 [2] sideof(p::Point{🌐, GeodeticLatLon{…}}, obj::MultiRing{🌐, GeodeticLatLon{…}, Ring{…}})
   @ Meshes ./REPL[27]:1
 [3] in
   @ ~/.julia/packages/Meshes/FJ9DT/src/predicates/in.jl:10 [inlined]
 [4] (::Meshes.var"#280#281"{Point{…}})(e::PolyArea{🌐, GeodeticLatLon{…}, Ring{…}, Vector{…}})
   @ Meshes ~/.julia/packages/Meshes/FJ9DT/src/predicates/in.jl:160
 [5] _any(f::Meshes.var"#280#281"{Point{…}}, itr::GeometrySet{🌐, GeodeticLatLon{…}, Geometry{…}}, ::Colon)
   @ Base ./reduce.jl:1237
 [6] any
   @ ./reduce.jl:1228 [inlined]
 [7] in(p::Point{🌐, GeodeticLatLon{…}}, d::GeometrySet{🌐, GeodeticLatLon{…}, Geometry{…}})
   @ Meshes ~/.julia/packages/Meshes/FJ9DT/src/predicates/in.jl:160
 [8] top-level scope
   @ REPL[28]:1
Some type information was truncated. Use `show(err)` to see complete types.

which again seems to be caused by some missing method implemented

juliohm commented 1 month ago

Thanks for catching these missing methods. Please feel free to submit a PR. We can merge and release a patch quickly.

juliohm commented 1 month ago

@disberd please keep in mind that some methods aren't supposed to exist, for example point_nemo in dmn only makes sense when dmn is a surface mesh. In this case what you really want is broadcast: point_nemo .in dmn

juliohm commented 1 month ago

Are there any other methods missing after this broadcast is applied?

disberd commented 1 month ago

@juliohm my use case is to verify whether a given point is inside any of a subset of countries (so a subdomain out of the full dmn). Given that in(::Point, ::Domain) dispatches to any(e -> p in e, d) I believe that to be exactly what I want to achieve. I am not interested in a vector of results of in with every country (any is also potentially faster as it exits early instead of computing in for every polygon if one of the early polygons returns true).

Is there a better approach to achieve what I want above?

That being said point_nemo .in dmn synthax is not parsed correctly, while point_nemo .∈ dmn just gives the same errors above

juliohm commented 1 month ago

my use case is to verify whether a given point is inside any of a subset of countries (so a subdomain out of the full dmn).

any(geom -> point ∈ geom, dom)

should do it right? The only methods for sideof are (point, line), (point, ring) and (point, mesh) with a surface mesh because these objects split the space into regions (e.g., left and right half-spaces, interior and exterior volume)

juliohm commented 1 month ago

That being said point_nemo .in dmn synthax is not parsed correctly,

It works for me here:

triangles = rand(Triangle, 100) |> Shadow("xy")

point = rand(Point) |> Shadow("xy")

point .∈ triangles
disberd commented 1 month ago

my use case is to verify whether a given point is inside any of a subset of countries (so a subdomain out of the full dmn).

any(geom -> point ∈ geom, dom)

should do it right? The only methods for sideof are (point, line), (point, ring) and (point, mesh) with a surface mesh because these objects split the space into regions (e.g., left and right half-spaces, interior and exterior volume)

But this is already what happens by default with point in dom, so isn't it just easier to do point in dom? (I was not calling sideof directly above)

disberd commented 1 month ago

That being said point_nemo .in dmn synthax is not parsed correctly,

It works for me here:

triangles = rand(Triangle, 100) |> Shadow("xy")

point = rand(Point) |> Shadow("xy")

point .∈ triangles

Yes the .∈ works, while .in is not parsed by julia, the problem of the errors above just come from PolyAreas with both an inner and outer ring (so I guess polygons with holes). Those are internally transformed into this call: https://github.com/JuliaGeometry/Meshes.jl/blob/e959de59cb2e2be3864383ce8caf37021954a31e/src/predicates/in.jl#L10

which apparently transforms the PolyArea into a MultiRing (inside boundary) and creates the issue of sideof

juliohm commented 1 month ago

Oh I see, so we are missing a method of sideof with MultiRing. Also this generic fallback should probably do != OUT instead, given that ON is also considered and geometries are closed.

juliohm commented 1 month ago

I will think about this specific method, to see if it makes sense to add a method to sideof with MultiRing or a method to in with Polygon with holes. I thought we already had one.

juliohm commented 1 month ago

The problem is that we are restricting the method currently to Euclidean polygons:


Should this method get relaxed to also support curved polygons over the ellipsoid? I understand that your use case involves points with LatLon coordinates.

juliohm commented 1 month ago

We need to think carefully about these geodesic variants later. Maybe the easiest thing to do now is to Proj the dataset, run the predicate in a flat space, and then undo the Proj if necessary. What do you think?

juliohm commented 1 month ago

This is the current situation:

point in dom already exists as you said:


point in poly is only implemented for Euclidean polygons:


When you call point in dom with point and dom over the ellipsoid, the fallback of dom calls the fallback of Geometry:


We need to figure out the correct solution here. We plan to look into geodesic geometry after we finish polishing the Euclidean geometry algorithms.

disberd commented 1 month ago

I see, on my side it is fine to just keep getting the error for Point(LatLon) until we have some geodesic computations in place to be consistent.

A potential fallback till then is to call flat on the LatLon coords to make them Cartesian2D (which is somehow alredy what happens when just do p in poly at the moment if poly does not have holes as far I understand.

In any case, I understand if you want this to error for LatLon (though it should probably then error for every type of polygon (even without holes) for consistency.

(For my use case I can just flatten the coords myself before checking for inclusion, knowing I am doing approximation since distance on E{2} is not the same as distance on ellipsoid)

juliohm commented 1 month ago

An alternative method consists of converting LatLon to PlateCarree, which is basically the naive approach that treats 1 deg = 1 m. It is what happens when people plot LatLon coordinates in a 2D Cartesian system:

flatpoint = point |> Proj(PlateCarree)
flattable = geotable |> Proj(PlateCarree)

flatpoint in flattable.geometry

In any case, I understand if you want this to error for LatLon (though it should probably then error for every type of polygon (even without holes) for consistency.

That is a good point. We should probably throw an error when a geodesic geometry is given as input to the predicate. And then, when we are ready to start the work on geodesic algorithms, we can add methods one by one.